
My Childhood Memories Of Puerto Rico

Decent Essays

Puerto Rico held many of my most cherished childhood memories. The 3 years my family spent there were some of the best years of my life. I remember the day we arrived there and settled into a hotel to live temporarily. I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t understand my favorite cartoons anymore. A man with a daughter my age took me to school during the first week and I couldn’t understand that man either. My parents explained to me that they spoke Spanish and soon enough in school, I was learning the language. We lived in a small house on a Navy base on the east side of the island in a city called Ceiba. All of the houses were nearly identical, all of them small, grey and made of concrete to protect against hurricanes. There was a park in my backyard that all the kids from the neighborhood would come to play at, but even better for me, there was a mysterious patch of woods behind that park. I would spend most of my days there walking along the trail and looking for interesting flowers, eat wild bananas straight from the tree, and sometimes finding iguana eggs. Nature played a big role in my life during those years. During the night, I would call asleep the sweet sounds of Coquí, a small tree frog that has a beautiful call, outside of my bedroom window. Sometimes, I was brave enough to attempt to catch a wild iguana. I would ready my pillow case and creep slowly toward the animal, only to get spotted by it and slapped harshly by its tail. I still hold a grudge against

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