
Analysis Of When I Was Puerto Rican

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The autobiography When I was Puerto Rican, written by Esmeralda Santiago, tells a story of a poor girl trying to succeed. The settings in this novel have an important influence on Esmeralda. They influence her behavior and change her ideals as an adult. Negi goes through many changes based on the challenges she faces by moving to new locations where society is different. All of these changes allow her to become a stronger person. When she lives in El Mangle, Negi has to face extreme prejudice against her upbringing as a jibara. When she leaves Puerto Rico to move to Brooklyn, she is forced to face an entirely different society. All of these events that took place in Esmeralda’s childhood had a significant impact in shaping her into an adult.
The guava fruit from the prologue, plays a central role in When I Was Puerto Rican. The guava symbolizes the end of Esmeralda’s childhood and the beginning of adulthood. She states “I push my cart away, toward the apple and pears of my adulthood, their nearly seedless ripeness predictable and bittersweet”(Prologue, pg.4). From the beginning, Esmeralda signals that she considers unhappiness to be an essential part of adulthood. Guavas, the fruit she links to her childhood are unpredictable in their color, taste and ripeness. For Esmeralda, coming of age brings sadness.
As a child, Mancún is the place where Negi felt the most security. No matter where her family relocated to she always wanted to return to Mancún. Life in Mancún was tough,

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