As I walked into freshman year I was by no means expecting to lose connection with myself on the way. I recall walking home after long days at school, absorbing my surroundings. Breathing in the sweet air as the calm breeze hit my face. Thinking to myself that this walk home was the only time I have anymore to just think and be myself. See I'm the type of person to go outside spending hours sitting, doing absolutely nothing. Just to assimilate the beauty of life. Time, space, me, my spirit, and my thoughts. At this moment there is no stress about the demand of getting excessive amounts of work done and memorizing notes for the next text. Having six-hour days to come home, sit down again, and have my head sink into the endless pages of …show more content…
I am not saying going to school is a bad thing, but it shouldn't be organized in a way of programming children. Disconnecting them from themselves; pulling them apart like string cheese. Without peace within, you cannot accomplish peace outside. Gandhi once said, “ If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating children.” When he says this I don't envision he means a classroom full of innocent children being programmed with math, reading, writing and the sciences. How many students are actually going to benefit from knowing how to transform a parabola? Yes, those things are important. However, a child's mental health overrules by far. When I read that quote I see a classroom full of children playing, having fun, and learning to discover themselves through making friendships. How can a child genuinely learn anything about themselves and the earth they walk on if their little heads are constantly being crammed full of academics? They can't, and this system is twisted. Through my experience, I would say high school is most guilty of this corrupt system. Although, you can begin to watch it arise starting in elementary school. As I move my way up the ladder into community college, I feel like I'm being allowed to slowly breathe again. Although not yet entirely, the feeling of being trapped is fading away. Hopefully, my journey will continue to present this freedom. Going to a larger 4-year university or college is not in my main interest because I
In truth, there is a lot of fabrication of the story; however, the producer applies some elements of the true story that occurred in Rosewood. Based on the movie, the main aim was to provide a movie that is emotionally moving which affects racial affiliation in terms black or white (Gannon, 61). Some of the scenes focus on the emotional reaction, and the depiction of the movie focus on the concept of outside looking in.
Some see school as a fun environment to come to everyday, while others dread to wake up and count down the amount of days until they are out of Hell. The author of “3 Destructive Things School Taught You Without You Even Knowing”, would have picked the second option, based on his article about schools. While there are some good points made throughout the article, to support his feelings, I have to say that he did not convince me.
“As many as one in three first-year students won't make it back for sophomore year” (“Freshmen retention rate”). It just so happened that I followed that statistic. Many colleges do not care much if students drop out or flunk out once their tuition checks have been cashed (Los Angeles Times).Growing up in a very strict household and attending private Catholic school, I was ready to spread my wings and fly. I was looking forward to that independence, my own rules and living on my own. I was enthusiastic to get started on my college journey. In my mind, I was about to live the dream. I would experience my own place to live, no rules, and get to hang out with friends! Oh, and college, too. I was not prepared to be so distracted
There are two types of school in this world and that is the schools that are between individuality and conformity. There are a lot of issues that school focus on that aren’t really necessary. Some schools focus on points likes dress code or testing or discipline. There are other schools that are more carefree and don’t really focus on forring thing except timing. School sometimes may even be thought as unimportant because the policies are so strict.
I agree with this quote Martin Luther King Jr. The public school system, while designed with learning in mind, seems to be a food-chain of popularity. Children seem to worry more about how popular they are or how many friends they have as opposed to learning. While socializing is good, learning is still important. Likewise, an education without building character is also less effective. It is important for schools to emphasize both education and building character so students can be ready for both employment and
Although my parents were still living, and always just a phone call away, I felt as though I was on my own. I developed a sense of independence that I had never been exposed to before. Thus, I believe that the transition to college will be much less stressful for me as an individual since I have already experienced the changes that come along with attending a new school. For example, I am now accustomed to the large jump in population in an educational setting, I am capable of making new acquaintances through intelligent conversation, and I have developed the skills of surviving on my own, away from the safety of my parents. These skills will be necessary in the business field, which is what my intended area of study is. Ultimately, through my decision to move away from the only home I had ever known, I have started down a path of adulthood, and have found it in myself to forgive others no matter what the circumstance happens to be. Therefore, although this transition from childhood to maturity may have been stressful, it has proven to be beneficial when I examine the bigger picture; my
To those who ask how education could possibly accomplish what decades of conflict could not, I say remember that there is no enmity significant enough to overpower enlightenment—the heart of fear is ignorance. Education must become the highest priority of government if we are to reap its tremendous dividends. There will be a marked reduction in crime when new opportunities replace old. The alleviation of poverty begins with the end of financial illiteracy, coming through proactive education. Perhaps the most immense is the profound unity that forms when students realize the importance of having a vision—without a vision, progress appears aimless. Equipped with education and a vision, cooler heads and open minds will
Political cartoons can be humorous and revealing, but they are also a powerful way to start debates, especially in the rhetorical situation of a presidential election. A cartoon that discusses Trump in a security briefing by Chris Britt, shown in the US News and World Report on August 22, 2016, displays the traits of a political cartoon by creating discussion about the presidential election. This cartoon depicts Trump showing the military generals a list of who he wants to attack, which leads to the generals telling him that he will not have access to the nuclear codes. Britt's cartoon effectively utilizes many of the elements of a cartoon to entertain a broad audience while spurring discussion about whether Trump is fit to be in charge of our nation.
I still maintain to this day that school is a place to learn languages, learn maths, learn history, and, most importantly, learn how to learn. It is not a place to learn conformity or regulations that have no bearing on society, or becoming a drone who automatically accepts everything an authority figure tells them.
The author illustrates what he can best describe as the way that just about all schools function, regardless as to whether they are public schools, catholic schools, or even colleges and universities, he describes them as boring. The author also does bring up multiple times and raises the claim that children and young adults should not be reduced to only learning in brick buildings, but to make time and learn outside the narrow mindedness that schools represent. The claims he make are valid and have some truth behind them. Many students are given and being fed information in which they are programmed like machines to think and behave in a certain fashion. As the author does mention the text when children are learning to walk and speak for the first times they do face difficulty but are not being monitored
Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the Canterbury tales a collection of short tales in the 14th century. The compilation of stories are told by different characters within the narrative as part of a game proposed by the host. Each individual must tell two stories on their journey and two stories on their way back. Each story tells some aspects of English life during the time and often added satire like qualities to the English life. In particular Chaucer often tells stories with elements of the relationship between man and women. He gives a clear representation of what the expected behaviors at the time are for men and women. Men are the more dominant, they control more of the relationship and provide for their wives, and the women are submissive
We need to learn how to be nice and respect each other to create the peaceful world, and schools would be the easiest place to spread the idea since parents would be involved, too. If “anti-bias education” becomes the mainstream of educational philosophy all over the world, the world would become more peaceful and caring
People usually mention the cliche that schools have the sole purpose of brainwashing, any ignorant student, from the very day they enroll in kindergarten up until their graduation date twelve years later. Schools are designed to teach some sort of conformity, but without that guiding path, students will surely fall under an eternal void because of their lack of interest.
Students may not like going to school but, it is for the best. By going to school students can get an education and get a job or go to college and
I can proudly say that I am happy of the person I am becoming . Throughout