
My Beauty Of Life

Decent Essays

As I walked into freshman year I was by no means expecting to lose connection with myself on the way. I recall walking home after long days at school, absorbing my surroundings. Breathing in the sweet air as the calm breeze hit my face. Thinking to myself that this walk home was the only time I have anymore to just think and be myself. See I'm the type of person to go outside spending hours sitting, doing absolutely nothing. Just to assimilate the beauty of life. Time, space, me, my spirit, and my thoughts. At this moment there is no stress about the demand of getting excessive amounts of work done and memorizing notes for the next text. Having six-hour days to come home, sit down again, and have my head sink into the endless pages of …show more content…

I am not saying going to school is a bad thing, but it shouldn't be organized in a way of programming children. Disconnecting them from themselves; pulling them apart like string cheese. Without peace within, you cannot accomplish peace outside. Gandhi once said, “ If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating children.” When he says this I don't envision he means a classroom full of innocent children being programmed with math, reading, writing and the sciences. How many students are actually going to benefit from knowing how to transform a parabola? Yes, those things are important. However, a child's mental health overrules by far. When I read that quote I see a classroom full of children playing, having fun, and learning to discover themselves through making friendships. How can a child genuinely learn anything about themselves and the earth they walk on if their little heads are constantly being crammed full of academics? They can't, and this system is twisted. Through my experience, I would say high school is most guilty of this corrupt system. Although, you can begin to watch it arise starting in elementary school. As I move my way up the ladder into community college, I feel like I'm being allowed to slowly breathe again. Although not yet entirely, the feeling of being trapped is fading away. Hopefully, my journey will continue to present this freedom. Going to a larger 4-year university or college is not in my main interest because I

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