My academic goals and research interests have developed significantly over the course of my undergraduate studies at Susquehanna University. When I first arrived at Susquehanna I was a biology major and had dreams of medical school. However, by the end of freshman year, I began to develop an interest in neuroscience. Declaring a major in neuroscience allowed me to explore the components of biology I loved, while incorporating psychology and chemistry.
My research interests developed from my exposure to the various areas of neuroscience through my internships, research experiences and courses. I am currently working on a research project, with the goal of gaining a more thorough understanding of the genes involved in lateral glial cell differentiation in the central nervous system of Drosophila. I conduct genetic crosses to obtain the desired genomes and collect embryos for immunostaining. I examine the expression of a conceptual gene, cg31235, which is solely expressed in longitudinal glial cells, in the presence of the genes Pointed P1 (PntP1) and Reversed Polarity (Repo). Subsequently, I will then use immunostaining to examine the expression of PntP1 and Repo in order to determine whether they regulate the genes involved in the in the development and function of longitudinal glia. Last fall, I presented my research proposal, which was followed by a presentation at the Society of Developmental Biology this spring. These experiences have strengthened my desire to explore
Summary: • “I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education, and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits. I still believe we shall overcome.” pg. 189 1. Sissela Bok is a very positive person and Arnett and Arneson would agree with her statement that people shall overcome.
Steinbeck uses imagery to establish Kino’s physical appearance. Kino’s warm and fierce eyes make the reader feel like Kino is a kind man.
As I began college, I decided not to choose a major at first. It was not until the beginning of this semester that I declared Biology as my major. I have always been interested in science, and it has always been one of my best subjects. Since I was little, my dream has been to become a doctor. As I have taken more classes, trying to weed out what I do and do not like, I have discovered that sciences are what interest me the most. Currently I have an emphasis in pre-professional studies which means that my major is leading me to attend a medical school after I graduate from Arkansas State University.
Although I excelled in high school biology and health classes, I knew that choosing a major down that route would never be an option for me. I wanted my major to be one that I was passionate about, making learning something I craved to do. At the end of junior year, my school
As a prospective Biology major and Veterinarian, I hope to gain experience working with plants and animals in the field of Biology and consider internships with veterinarians. I plan to put my experience and qualifications to use by applying for an accredited veterinary college. Upon acceptance, I will strive towards earning a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree (DVM). If I do not gain acceptance into a veterinary medicine program, then I will steer myself more towards the forensic science fields. A degree and certification in veterinary medicine is appealing and preferable to me. However, to keep my options open, the field of forensic science and crime scene investigations will serve as
After having been in my first college year for a couple of months, I still had no idea what I was leaning towards for a major. Within these first couple of months I had learned that Biomedical Studies was not something that I was sure of, along with many other careers and majors that I learned about in the Compass class that were not for me. Tired of not knowing what I wanted to do, I sat myself down and did some researched. I came upon
My interest in science has been a passion of mine since the start of middle school where I learned to excel and discover new learning opportunities. I choose to major in Biology my junior year, since I have started my undergraduate classes has giving me the pleasure of wanting to pursue a career of working in the medical field.
Through the last two years as a student at Manchester Community College, I have been able to experience numerous classes and meet wonderful professors. In my first semester of college, I decide to take a general psychology class with Dr. Francine Rosselli-Navarra. She taught me that psychology is a science, which studies our minds and behaviors. After that class I knew that I did not just want to study the physical feature of the brain and the brain process, but how the interactions with and within our brains that produce our cognitive functions. After completing that psychology class I realized that I did not wish to be a biology major anymore, instead I wished to study in the field of Neuroscience, which is a combination of both biology and psychology.
Many criminal suspects today are found guilty by them attributing their insane actions to society by breaking human laws. In return, they are to make a contribution to in horrendous places such as place of confinement, guardhouse and correctional facility with their labour, effort and time. Nonetheless, what are the punishments for someone who feigned his or her madness and sparks off the death of the entire royal family? Shakespeare's Hamlet significantly demonstrates the consequences of dissimulating, in a way of dishonesty, but is Hamlet's madness simulated or real? This question is often left unanswered among the fans of Shakespeare's Hamlet. The idea of a character impersonating the concept or motif of insanity is not foreign to great literary works in modern days although many authors in ancient time use it to convey the sanity of the humor. There is much evidence in the play of Shakespeare's Hamlet, which Hamlet deliberately feigned fits of madness to confuse and plan to disconcert the king until he reveals his secret that he is responsible for Hamlet's father murder. However, the majority of the professors continue to argue that Hamlet's anti-decomposition is purely innocent and that he is not pretending. Nevertheless, with the similar saying of “One bad apple spoils the whole bunch”, in Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark, Hamlet’s fatal flaw of
Life is a continual learning process, which requires a strong method to develop better ways of apprenticeship. Personally, being able to obtain a higher education gives me an opportunity to be better in many ways. Everyone should have any personal goals in life in order to survive, prosper and succeed in every journey that life gives. As for me, being a University of Phoenix student, I hope to achieve all of my goals on which I have been trying to pursue and obtain through the years. They are goals that I believe I need to have to be a successful member of the society, and through attending the university I also hope to gain a more positive image of myself, build my personal growth, along with achieving
My academic goal is to graduate Argosy University with a bachelors degree in Forensic Psychology in three years time. Forensic Psychology is the study of the criminal mind, in a nutshell. The main motivation to achieve this goal would be intrinsic. I love asking questions and knowing the answers as to why people do what they do, and in a criminals case, what led them to committing the crime. This goal, however, may have some extrinsic motivation as well. Being knowledgeable about certain behaviors that criminals poses may help solve or even prevent a crime. In addition, having a degree will help open different paths in life, ones that may present me with greater job opportunities. My attitude toward the learning process will help my achievement of each goal because I am eager, determined and motivated. My greatest desire is to succeed in life, and obtaining an education is one thing I know will help me. I perhaps will need to make some adjustments along my journey. I do not know yet if I will find another educational path that intrigues me the most. For now, I do not feel that any adjustments need to be made.
One of my academic goals is to get the best education possible at Allan Hancock College before I transfer. I will accomplish this by always paying attention to all my teachers and do all my work and most importantly make school my number one priority. Another academic goal that I have is to transfer to Cal Poly or Long Beach and obtain my Master’s degree in education. I also want to graduate with honor and with a 3.5 GPA or above. I decided that I wanted to be a teacher because I like helping people out and also I enjoy working with kids. I selected these goals because my economic background is not the great, most of the money that my family makes goes to the rent and daily expenses. We live in a small apartment and we are a family of five; we don’t usually go out and eat at restaurants only in special occasions.
Going to college has been a dream of mine growing up. I am the first ever in my family to go to college but figuring out how to pay for it has been a challenge. I desire to achieve my academic and career goals and this scholarship can help me succeed in my journey.
Everyone should have personal goals that evolve around anything that needs to be accomplished. I set goals on a daily basis. One goal that I seem to have not truly focused on has been my college education. Considering all things, I decided I needed to focus on my college education. The first thing I needed to accomplish was to enroll in an institution for higher learning. Now that my enrollment is complete, I am an official student at the University enrolled in the undergraduate program for business management. As a student at the university, I now have to set personal goals so that I will be successful in my endeavors. My personal goals are to gain personal growth and development and graduate from my undergraduate program in business