
Muslim Women Grievances

Decent Essays

"If only Muslim women gave men their rights, men would give them theirs!"
Sorry, but reality shows that this isn't how it works.

In theory, it sounds great - but the truth on the ground is very, very different. When women sacrifice themselves for their husbands (or other men), they are taken for granted and easily walked over.
When women remain silent in the face of abuse because they have been told to "Be patient," oppression and injustice is normalized and becomes the status quo - and as soon as women start speaking up for their Shar'i rights, they are told that they are being selfish, they are not fulfilling their duties as good Muslim women, and that they should simply make du'a and wait for their ajr in the Aakhirah.

Muslim women …show more content…

Lip service is well and good, but when women's grievances are aired, we are immediately labeled spoiled and selfish and immature and ungrateful.

"Feminist" is thrown about as an insult regardless of whether women identify as such or not... which just goes to show that Muslims see the implementation of women's rights not as something that we are entitled to by our Lord, but as a type of corruption.
It is so painfully telling that when women speak out against injustices that have been inflicted on us for hundreds of years the response is not one of acknowledgement, compassion, & seeking to rectify oppression, but to castigate those women and say, "But women abuse men just as badly!"
There is perhaps no greater sign of the delusional attitude of Muslims than these responses.

Particularly galling is the fact that a man's satisfaction with his wife is considered the barometer of her 'fulfilling his rights' despite the fact that many, many men have unreasonable and even bizarre expectations of their wives. A woman could give her life for such a man and he still wouldn't be happy- which is why we derive much comfort in knowing that Allah's standards are far more just than that of mortal males (or

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