
Music Is An Echo Of The Musician 's Heart

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Music is powerful. Music can speak where no one else can. And yet, music is simply an echo of the musician’s heart. Therefore, only what that musician seeks to communicate through the music will be heard. However, all musicians should want their music to effectively communicate and touch their audience. To accomplish this, there is one question (among others) a musician should consider: what is music? Unfortunately, these past several generations of musicians have tried to completely redefine music so that any imaginable sound can possibly be music. But is this music true music?
First of all, it is not really possible to determine what is music and what is not, unless one plays with the right motives. The goal for playing music should be to give G-d the glory and to praise Him in every aspect of one’s music, since music is a gift from Him. This should also be what is communicated through all music. Ephesians 5:18b,19b says, “Be filled with the Spirit…singing and making melody in your heart to the L-rd.” However, some musician (usually the younger ones) may hear such a statement and argue that hymns and “church music” are not the only forms of real music. They usually will say that there is nothing wrong with rock music. While the topic of rock music is an entirely different subject, it should be noted that any music can by played to praise G-d. Obviously, immoral or vapid lyrics do not glorify G-d. It is also possible for the lyrics to be appropriate, while the music is

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