
Muscular System: The Importance Of Playing Soccer

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I have a friend whos little brother plays soccer, so I know what it takes to be able to play it well. It takes speed, and ability to control the ball with your legs and feet. If you were to play goalie you would not have as many responsibilities and would require a lower skill level. You would only have to know how to catch and block the ball. If you were to play a position midfield you would have more running, and kicking to do.

Playing soccer Skeletal System:

High impact sports such as soccer involve a variation of running, sprinting, and jumping with the legs or other parts of the body. The repetitive pounding places a stress on the bones, which causes micro damages to the surface of the bone. These tears stimulate new bone growth to calcify over the micro tears, resulting in a higher bone mineral density. It is known that participating in high impact sports while you are young can keep bones stronger as you age. …show more content…

But just playing the sport helps develop your physique too, especially your lower body muscles, which are used frequently during soccer for kicking and running.

The integumentary system:

When playing soccer you would not want to overheat, which is entirely possible considering that you will be running in the sun for an hour or more. The one thing that the integumentary system has to do with soccer is that it helps regulate your temperature. Many people sweat while outside, especially in the heat. The integumentary system helps with that. Sweating is a way of your body cooling itself down so you don't

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