
Skeletal System Essay

Decent Essays

The basic framework of the body is a system of 206 bones and the joints between them are known as the skeleton. Bones have a number of functions in the body, they serve as a firm framework, protect delicate structures as the brain and spinal cord. They work as levers with attached muscles to produce movement, they store calcium salts, which may be reabsorbed into the blood if calcium is needed, and they produce red blood cells (in the red marrow). Bones are organs, with their own systems of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. There are two types of bone tissue. One type is compact bone, which is hard and dense. The second type is spongy bone. It is made of a meshwork of small, bony plates, filled with red marrow. The human skeleton …show more content…

40%- 50% of our body weight is skeletal muscle. Muscles fill in the form and contour of the body. There are three primary functions of skeletal muscles; muscles in this system are attached to the bones and produce movement of the skeleton. Muscles are attached to bones and contract to change the position of the bones at a joint. Maintenance of posture a partial of muscle known, as muscle tone, keeps the body in position. Muscles generate most of the heat needed to keep the body at 37 degree Celsius. Heat is a natural byproduct of muscle cell metabolism. The structure of muscle is held by connective tissue. There are three kinds of muscle tissue: smooth muscle which is in the wall of hollow organs, vessels and respiratory passageways. Its action produces peristalsis; contracts and relaxes slowly; may sustain contraction, it is an involuntary muscle. The cardiac muscle lies in the wall of the heart. It pumps blood out of the heart and is an involuntary muscle. It contracts rhythmically and continuously to provide the pumping action needed to maintain constant blood flow. The skeletal muscle is attached to bones. It produces movement at the joints; stimulated by the nervous system; contacts and relaxes rapidly, different types of skeletal muscle groups include muscle of the head, are those of facial expression and mastication (chewing). Muscles of the neck, muscles of the upper extremities, include the muscles that determine the position of the shoulder, the anterior and posterior muscles that move the arm, and the muscles that move the forearm and hand. Muscles of the trunk, include muscles that are involved in breathing, the thin muscle layers of the abdomen, and the muscles if the pelvic floor. Muscles of the lower extremities are among the longest and strongest muscles in the body, they are specialized for locomotion and balance. This includes the muscles that move the thigh and and

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