
Muscle Fiber Lab Report

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Statistics uses math to determine whether or not an experiment happened by chance. In other words, it determines the probability of your results being by chance or if it is factual data. The mathematical ways of determining probably include looking at mean, standard deviation, mode, and median. This experiment will use statistics to test the probability. With an increase of neural stimulation an increase in muscle mass can occur. Neuronal stimulation occurs during exercise. During exercise there is an increase in the amount of contractions produced in the muscle. In turn, this can result in an increase of the mass of muscle fiber. This change in muscle fiber increases the amount of ATP that is produced within the muscle. Different types …show more content…

Each type of muscle fiber has a different power output. These fibers are fast-twitch, and slow-twitch muscle fibers. Fast-twitch fibers are used for explosive movements that are sustained for a short amount of time. While slow-twitch fibers are used for periods of time when movement is sustained for a long period. Slow-twitch fibers utilize aerobic beta-oxidation for energy. This means this type of muscle fiber uses fatty acids for energy and requires oxygen to break them down. This breakdown takes place within the mitochondria. Fast-twitch fibers get energy from anaerobic glycolysis. Meaning this fiber utilizes the breakdown of glucose without oxygen. Humans are born with these fibers in different proportions than others. Genetics determines the amount of each fiber a person will have, and these pre-genetically determined number of fibers will remain constant throughout a person’s life. Due to the different capabilities of each fiber, the amount of slow and fast-twitch fibers can determine the person’s capability. Therefore, those who have more fast-twitch fibers will jump higher than those with more slow-twitch fibers of the same stature. (BSC 228,

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