
ACTN3 Essay

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What is ACTN3? There seems to be a particular gene that keeps appearing more often than most. The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and the alpha-actinin-3 (ACTN3) genes are two of the most studied "performance genes" and both have been associated with sprint/power phenotypes and elite performance. ACTN3 is linked with muscle fibres and how they are formatted, it is responsible for the production of alpha-actinin-3, and this is a protein found only in fast twitch fibres. In actuality, ACTN3 can give sprinters a powerful boost because it gives additional energy to muscle cells to produce quick, mighty actions. Everyone has the ACTN3 gene; however, in some cases, a person can have lots of slow twitch fibres (good for endurance) or fast …show more content…

It is hard to say. There are so many other factors involved and other contributing factors to the nature argument such as the slave trade and superior muscle fibres. In an event such as sprinting where there can be such fine margins, any extra advantage can prove to be the difference between mediocrity and success. Muscle fibres Elite sprinters can often have a makeup of up to 90% of fast twitch fibres, it helps them to be so fast. Incredibly long-distance competitors can have a make-up of up to 80% of type I (slow twitch fibres). It enables them to conserve energy and allows them to perform at such high intensity for long periods of time without getting tired quickly. Type IIb, on the other hand, are known as the fast twitch fibres, these fibres are responsible for fast, explosive movements. They fire anaerobically, and very quickly. However they lack the endurance that the Type I offers, meaning they get tired very easily. It is also important to know that ACTN3 is only found in fast twitch fibres. (Anderson, 2000) As mentioned before, you are born with what you've got. Your parent's muscle fibres determinate the type of fibres the offspring inherit. In addition, it has not been scientifically proven that it is possible to change a slow twitch fibre to a fast one or vice versa. Unfortunately, for some, it could affect how successful you are at either developing as a long distance athlete or a

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