
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy Analysis

Decent Essays

Reading Response: Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy To begin, I chose this article because when I read the title of the article I did not know what Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) was. Therefore, I decided to read this article so that I would know what MSBP meant and how it is relevant to social work. I think that the author did a great job simply explaining what MSBP is and the components associated to it. I like that they broke the article into different sections so that it was easier to read and so that you could only read about a certain subtopic if you wanted to. The one thing I did not like about the article was that they did not give a detailed scenario of MSBP. They explained what it is and what it kind of looks like. But I did not …show more content…

I learned that MSBP is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. I also learned that the perpetrator is usually the mother, but is not always. It could be a father, grandparent, babysitters, medial personal, etc. I find this scary that the people you are supposed to trust are the ones that could be hurting you. Not only that but if you have been hurt since you were a small child this would be seen as normal, therefore you abuse would not be seen as wrong because to you it would be normal. I find it sad that there are children out there who think that it is normal to be abused by their loved …show more content…

It is good that investigators are doing their job and are taking everyone’s opinion/responses into consideration before they jump to any conclusion. It is heartbreaking that MSBP can lead to death of the victim and even after a death more times than not, the perpetrator continues to hurt others. They need to get help so that they are not hurting others so that they can gain pleasure from it. Similarly, it is saddening that mothers whose babies died at a very young age have been accused of MSBP when their baby’s death was an accident or they had a legitimate illness. I understand that these deaths need to be investigated but accusations should not be made without any proof of evidence. I know that I would be very offended for being accused of hurting or killing my child if I did everything I could to save

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