
Multiple Sclerosity Essay

Decent Essays

The one word to describe “research” is “discovery” and the one word to describe “discovery” is “curiosity”. As the modern world is vastly diversifying everyday it is very difficult for the average simpleton not to be curious how the world around us is changing for the good and the bad. Like any average person, we deal with many hardships within our lifetime, given the amount of resources in the world we can make a change and turn those hardships into history. I promised myself I was not going to be a bystander in my lifetime. When I was at a very young age my father was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Not knowing at a very young age how greatly this would impact my life, this condition had no cure and to this day still does not. As the disease …show more content…

The Stevenson group solved the structure of “G protein-coupled receptor” that helped Multiple Sclerosis treatment. Places like Argonne are changing the world everyday by allowing people to innovate. Research like this is something that I wanted to be a part of, inching away at a cure for my father would make myself feel accomplished in life. Is there the possibility that I will find the cure for Multiple Sclerosis? I don’t know but there always has to be a place where I can start. I opened the acceptance letter, finding out that I just got into a research program of a lifetime. The Exemplary Student Research Program is a program like no other. It allows for high school students the opportunity to do Ph.D. level research at a high school level. Using the Argonne Advanced Photon Source my group and I studied the difference between a healthy versus non-healthy scaffold from a rat spine. We used x-ray tomography to find that there was more scaffold growth on the spine with the healthy scaffold versus the non-healthy. The reasons that scaffold's are important to scientific inquiry today is they allows for bone

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