
Mrs. Miller Body: A Case Study

Decent Essays

In this case study the patient’s regular physician referred her to a clinic to have a mole examined. The patient’s mole is located on the left upper quadrant of her abdomen. That means the mole is below her left breast. Given a more descriptive detail of the mole location; it is in the anterior truck position in the front of Mrs. Miller body. Mrs. Miller mole is inferior to the thoracic and superior to the pelvis in the abdominal region. Which means the mole is above her umbilical region. To examine the patient she must lie in a supine position laying face upward (Patton & Thibodeau, 2014, pg. 8-11). During the operation, the physician notices a similar mole in the occipital region of Mrs. Miller body. The occipital region is located on the back of lower skull. Mrs. Miller has to be placed in a prone position to be scanned. Mrs. Miller body will be laying face downward. (Patton & Tibodeau, 2014, pg 9&15). …show more content…

Sanchez severed the distal tip of the fourth digit of his upper extremity. Mr. Sanchez severed his fourth finger located in the digital region, located “Away from or farthest from the trunk of the point of origin of the body part”( Patton & Thibodeau pg.9 & 14). Mr. Sanchez sustained significant blood lost; because of his severed finger his homeostasis was not stable. The body was working constantly to restore stability. Sever upper extremity injuries are frequently dramatic and can result in continued hemorrhage. The body lives in an internal environment with mostly water and salt. The body relies on mechanisms to act as a heater and air pumps to remain relatively stable conditions internal fluid environment ( Patton & Thibodeau, 2014, pg. 15). His drop in blood pressure was a result of a negative feedback. This accord when Mr. Sanchez severed his fourth finger, that caused increasing blood carbon dioxide

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