
Mr Trotter Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

Mr. Trotter has attended all of his weekly check-in appointments. On 09/26/16, Mr. Trotter began attending the TEECH Foundation, 1750 W. 103rd St. and has attended daily as verified by the executive director at the TEECH Foundation. On 10/13/16, Mr. Trotter met with the executive director at the TEECH Foundation who suggested that he begin one-on-one counseling sessions on-site. On 10/14/16, he began counseling sessions. The executive director at the TEECH Foundation informed Mr. Trotter’s DOC case manager that if deemed necessary, Mr. Trotter will be referred for extensive counseling after his one-on-one sessions conclude on 11/25/16. On 11/07/16, Mr. Trotter called TEECH and stated that the host where he was residing was being evicted

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