
Mr Atkinson Monologue

Decent Essays

But the heat is stifling.
It is enough to send a man mad.
I felt rage but it quickly died down. I thought to myself that I might as well get some sleep or at the least, destress. Sleep was clearly not an option. My mind could not begin to understand what was happening.
“How is it possible?” I asked myself countless times.
I could not understand how the sketch I drew coincidently matched the face of Mr. Atkinson and the tombstone which Mr. Atkinson had been carving had my full name, my occupation, my birth date and my potential death date, which is today. I promised myself that I would destress so I sat on a chair on the right side of the room and silently observed Mr. Atkinson.
I watched the miniscule shavings of the tools he had been sharpening …show more content…

“Get a beer for you and me” he said.
I nodded. I walked to the corner where he had a shelf of beer to find it empty.
“Go to the kitchen up the stairs and get two from the shelf on the left” said Mr. Atkinson.
I walked. I walked almost like a robot whom was taking his requests and fulfilling each of them. I heard the floor creek. I began to believe that I was hearing sounds after what occurred today. I turned around and Mrs. Atkinson was in front of me. I thought she went to bed as Mr. Atkinson instructed.
“Where are the beers Mrs. Atkinson?” I asked
She chuckled and dropped the needle she had in her hand and looked at me straight into my eyes. She grabbed something that glistened under the oil lamps on the 3 corners of the room and before I knew it, she plunged a sharp object into my chest, a knife I presumed.
My vision was getting increasingly blurry and the pains in my chest were growing sharper. I could not see much but as I looked at her, she held up three items.
It was three mugs of beer and in the far corner of my eye I saw a familiar face, my wife.
She was holding Mr. Atkinsons hand in an affectionate way while Mrs. Atkinson returned to sewing a teared handkerchief as a

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