
Christian Journal Entry

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Tuttle.Journal1Lesson1 What event influenced my life and my studies at Colorado Christian University! There are many events that caused me to want to pursue a Biblical Studies degree at Colorado Christian University. One, as a young kid I always had a gift of memorizing scripture, having vast knowledge of the Bible also. I became a Christian, and I was baptized at seven years old. My minister at the time, Charles Carman at the time. I always had looked up to. However, my parents could not afford to send me to Bible College. In addition to being disabled all my life, did not help either. So, I went to business college here in Lubbock, Texas. But I had always wanted to go. Then I had A vision around the time that my Dad had passed away due to cancer! It involved of a beautiful ghost …show more content…

Named Lady Baron in the painting. Then the scene shifted. I was at a fancy wedding like party. Another strange lady with dark hair was there. She ran towards me and embraced me. She whispered in My ear, “Don’t worry. I will protect you. No harm will come to you. Some gunmen had crashed the Party. Killing everyone around us randomly. Screams and blood was everywhere. But this strange girl And I are protected supernaturally by a see through bubble that surrounded by her and I. Lady Baron, The Ghost lady said the same comforting and encouraging message of protection two. I woke up in a Cold sweat! I had wondered what it meant. Then in 2016, I met this girl online at a dating site. We exchanged pictures online. When I saw Her picture, I knew that the girl, Irene was the one. She is the same dark haired girl in my vision. Amazing! Then when we continue to exchange pictures and video chat too, I realized that Irene was the Woman for me! To this day, I don’t know the full meaning of that vision. But I put my trust in the Lord That He will keep Irene and I safe from all harm. After my parents had both passed away, I decided to go for a degree in Biblical studies. Even Tuttle.JournalLesson1

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