Tuttle.Journal1Lesson1 What event influenced my life and my studies at Colorado Christian University! There are many events that caused me to want to pursue a Biblical Studies degree at Colorado Christian University. One, as a young kid I always had a gift of memorizing scripture, having vast knowledge of the Bible also. I became a Christian, and I was baptized at seven years old. My minister at the time, Charles Carman at the time. I always had looked up to. However, my parents could not afford to send me to Bible College. In addition to being disabled all my life, did not help either. So, I went to business college here in Lubbock, Texas. But I had always wanted to go. Then I had A vision around the time that my Dad had passed away due to cancer! It involved of a beautiful ghost …show more content…
Named Lady Baron in the painting. Then the scene shifted. I was at a fancy wedding like party. Another strange lady with dark hair was there. She ran towards me and embraced me. She whispered in My ear, “Don’t worry. I will protect you. No harm will come to you. Some gunmen had crashed the Party. Killing everyone around us randomly. Screams and blood was everywhere. But this strange girl And I are protected supernaturally by a see through bubble that surrounded by her and I. Lady Baron, The Ghost lady said the same comforting and encouraging message of protection two. I woke up in a Cold sweat! I had wondered what it meant. Then in 2016, I met this girl online at a dating site. We exchanged pictures online. When I saw Her picture, I knew that the girl, Irene was the one. She is the same dark haired girl in my vision. Amazing! Then when we continue to exchange pictures and video chat too, I realized that Irene was the Woman for me! To this day, I don’t know the full meaning of that vision. But I put my trust in the Lord That He will keep Irene and I safe from all harm. After my parents had both passed away, I decided to go for a degree in Biblical studies. Even Tuttle.JournalLesson1
always go to a church every weekend and have Bible studies once every week. At the age of 13
I developed a great passion for learning during my first year at Lone Star College. I also discovered my
I went to Hanover College (alma mater of both Mike Pence and Woody Harrelson - go figure). After many detours into sex, drugs, and more folk rock than roll, I wound up at seminary and became a pastor. It was then that symptoms of depression and mania culminated in a psychotic episode that became pivotal in my life, for better and for worse.
“Look for the man in the green silk hat.” Whispered voice next to my ear.
When one chooses, to attend a Christian University, you expect to be met and challenged by the word of God and those who believe in the Christ, but I was not prepared for the amount of integration biblical principles would have in my weekly assignments. Through the adult studies seminar II course, I have learned to rest in the truth
Going to Sunday school, I learned more and more every week. I am now at the age to start preparing for
I feel blessed for the opportunity to study Bible history and theology at Northeastern Seminary. Since seminary was never in my plans, I know God orchestrated this opportunity. As I reflect, my preparation for seminary begin in 2005 when I had a desire to become a Christian Counselor for women and children. As a result, I enrolled in a Christian Counseling program offered by the American Association of Christians Counselors. When I completed the program, I discovered that in order to become certified I needed a Master’s degree. Unfortunately, I did not have a college degree so I thought my dream to become a Christian Counselor was just dream. Additionally, I had health issues and I could not attend classes. However, seven years later I obtained a bachelor’s degree from Roberts Wesleyan College in the spring of 2012. As a result, in the fall, I begin searching for a graduate program. My plan was to enroll in an online graduate program at Roberts. However, God had a different plan. While researching the different online programs, I received a flyer from Northeastern Seminary. Thankfully, I was accepted at NES for the 2013 spring semester. Although I could have obtained a counseling certification with any Master’s degree, I believe true Christian Counseling would be more effective with the proper Christian foundation. Gratefully, I am working God’s plan for my life and God knew that I needed a program where I could obtain a solid Christian
God. Growing up in a Christian family I attended church on a regular. I was educated about the importance of the bible directly and indirectly through my pastor and family. We all learn of the Ten Commandments, the consequences of sin and ways to handle life.
I always knew about the bible, it would be very hard not to when you live in a Christian household and not to mention my dad being the Senior Pastor at my church. These going through the motions continued into my teen years and being a typical teenager, I start to question why I was doing the things I would do. During all the questions I asked I started to drift away
We eventually entered the House of Terror and slowly walked to a counter, hiding behind my mother as we walked. The woman at the counter gave a sinister look, making my skin jump.
There are many events that have shaped my life and also cause me to pursue academic work and create goals here are Colorado Christian University. The one that stands out the most is my recent church planting experience and my desire to learn more about the Lord and become better equipped biblically to serve my parishioners. In this essay I will discussion how this major event has transformed my life and also cause me to venture further in my education and seek a degree here at Colorado Christian University (CCU). As a husband, a father of five, and a Pastor, I maintain a pretty busy lifestyle. But one things for sure is that I have always had a tug to finish my degree. My wife is a great supporter of education and has always encouraged me to finish what I
The man lifted his gaze to hers; those brown, stormy eyes belonged to a man who had always told her right from wrong, and always spoke the words of God.
While visiting with my sister she began telling me about a class she was taking at Colorado Christian University. She would call me and talk about how the classes were helping her to learn more about the Bible. My sister would also ask my opinion on something she was working on. On several occasions my sister would suggest that I attend Colorado Christian University and get a degree in Biblical Studies. All my classes would be online .I would have a week to finish my homework. I thought about it for several months and I decided that going back to school would be a great Idea.
I enrolled at Colorado Christian University so that I could pursue my calling to counsel the hurting children of this world. I thought that I would learn the history of the Bible and God’s plan for His people. I believe that the epic journey of the Israeli people is an example of God’s love, patience, and even frustration with His creation. I was excited to learn about scripture, theology, and eventually the counseling techniques that I will need in my vocation. I did not consider how important it would be to learn how to communicate and write – so that I can be an effective witness. The skills that I learned in this course will not only help me to graduate, but also save me time in assignments as I work to perfect my writing skills. Every course that I take prepares me for the journey and work ahead.
As I reflect on the path that lead me to enroll at Colorado Christian University, my mind is like a kaleidoscope with pictures of past events flashing through my mind.