
Motor Vehicle Accidents: Distracted Driving

Decent Essays

Distracted driving 500 words In 2014, there were 32,675 deaths related to motor vehicle accidents (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and The Highway Loss Data Institute, 2015). The top reported causes of car accidents are distracted driving, speeding, and drunk driving (Starver, 2014). So many lives have been lost to the road, but fortunately, the number of deaths in motor vehicle accidents are decreasing year to year. This trend also correlates with the increasing amount of laws created in order to deter people from actions associated with the causes of many car accidents. In order to continue this trend of reducing fatalities related to car accidents, the federal government should pass laws to standardize safer practices across states, as well as require new drivers, and those who have had their licenses revoked, to take courses on the dangers of driving and defensive driving practices. To support these laws, the federal government could …show more content…

There are many inconsistencies across the nation regarding driving laws as they are usually determined by the state. For example, only 14 states have laws banning all drivers from using hand-held cell phones even though cell phones are a proven distraction (Governors Highway Safety Association, 2016). The federal government could create laws like banning talking on the phone while driving, or intensify punishment for drunk driving. Also, laws could be passed to require defensive driving class for all novice drivers and for those who have had their license revoked. These classes would provide the tools for these drivers to practically learn how to drive safer. If the federal government would create a standard set of driving laws, it would set a precedent across the

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