
Motif Of Death In Atlantis By Mark Doty

Decent Essays

The Motif of death in Atlantis by Mark Doty.
In “Atlantis”, Mark Presents Death throughout the poem in varying forms. Mark Doty presents three characters at the beginning of the story, Wally, Arden, and Wally's partner. Wally is diagnosed with Aids by his doctor and the poem walks us through his life nearing the end then a new beginning is born.
In the poem “Atlantis” Wally is dying and a theme is presented to us. This theme is death whether it is seen as a new beginning or a reprieve from his pain as seen in “Reprieve chapter two of Atlantis.” “I was in the tunnel he said and there was a light at the end and a great being standing in the light his arms were full of people men and women but his proportions were just right he was the size of

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