
Most Fascinating Experience In SLIS 701

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Embedded Assignment 3

In my philosophy paper, I already detailed some of the most fascinating experiences I had in SLIS 701. In particular, the ones that were enriching and have essentially changed the way I view librarianship and the profession. However with the page limit I could not go into the greatest amount of detail, and there are more experiences in this class that I found truly fascinating.
For example, one of the more exciting and new experiences was working with other classmates on our group project. It was, as stated, not as terrifying as I thought it was going to be. I learned more than I ever expected about social media use in libraries, and I feel like this knowledge will be useful information in the future. Also, it was simply fun working and collaborating with a group online.
I’m used to collaborating with other people face-to-face, but working with a …show more content…

It also allows me to identify what my library lacks, particularly in the way that it does not feature accessibility programs, hardware, or adjustable desk spaces. Also, I cannot remember if it was stated that this was intentional, but the way that this overlaps with the teachings we received in SLIS 706 really enhanced the lessons that I learned. If possible, I would try to maintain this overlap of content, because it has certainly opened my eyes to a topic I had never really paid attention to before. I also really enjoyed the technology module, probably because I’m a nerd when it comes to gadgets and software. I enjoyed Professor Celeste A-Re’s thorough, but informative, lectures and interviews about the Queens library’s experiences, challenges, and accomplishments. Because of this module, I am much more fascinated with maker spaces, even to the point where my Universal Access Equipment Selection Assignment in SLIS 706 was based on creating a universally accessible computer to compliment a

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