(AS) verbalized that she has struggled with her school attendance for a very long time. She has had an extensive history of poor school attendance beginning at age seven. Prior to her enrolling in Morris High School for collaborative studies, she attended two other schools. In these schools she experienced numerous challenges due to problems with socializing, behavioral issues, low self-confidence and educational gaps. In addition (AS) has periodic episodes of anxiety; she is currently taking medication to help manage her symptoms, which she states prevent her from attending school regularly. (AS) wishes to address her trauma issues, and improve her self-confidence.
Cory Miller is a high school senior and performs at the top of his academic class. With a 4.0 grade point average, he spends his time involved in after school activities while working a part-time job. In a few months, Miller will have completed what only 52 percent of Black males nationwide achieve – a high school diploma. As Miller crosses the stage full of knowledge related to math formulas, vocabulary words and American history, he will continue on without the knowledge of money management, cooking, negotiation, and urban survival
If I was the principle of Metro High School I would use the four types of reinforcements to motivate the students to improve performance and attendance.* This change of policies would realisticly take place over long period of time with a good system of data collection and other types of control functions. It is also very important to have the parents of the children involve as much as possible.
Park Middle is located in Scotch Plains, New Jersey and is one of two middle schools within the town. On average there are 930 students enrolled at Park over the past three years (See Appendix A, Table A1). Additionally, Scotch Plains’ population consists of 77.4% White citizens, but is also composed of 11.1% of African Americans, 7.7% Asian, and 6.7% Hispanic citizens (see Appendix B, Table B1). The town’s population is largely representative of the school’s demographics (see Appendix C, Graph C1). When referencing the school’s performance on district benchmarks and state testing, Park Middle School has met most of their established targets. However, even with most established targets met, certain subgroups are in need of further attention
High School is an incredibly important period of life. It influences your social, academic, and personal life for four years, and prepares you for college and a career. This is the reason County Prep High School is my school of choice. County Prep's thriving social environment, challenging academic curriculum, and wide variety of electives will help me successfully carry out my plans for the future.
Last year, at Kingsland High School’s Graduation Ceremony, Josie Hinze not only receiveed her High School Diploma, but also her Associates of Arts Degree before even attending any college or university. Fast-forward to one year later, and seven Kingsland students will be graduating high school with both their High School Diploma and AA Degree thanks to the collaboration of Riverland Community College and Kingsland High School for allowing high school students to take college-level courses in high school and receive college credit for them. Not only that, but there are several others who will be graduating Kingsland High School with transferrable college credit so their first few semesters might
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, I, Officer McDaniel #147, while at James Coble Middle School, located at 1200 Ballweg Rd, Arlington, TX, I was approached by Assistant Principal Myers, Laura, W/F, DOB 02/16/1968, in reference to a cell phone screen that was broke by another student.
I, _____________, will be participating in the Lindhurst Blazers Baseball Program in the 2018 season. I am representing Lindhurst High School, and, as such, my behavior reflects on the coaches, my teammates, the faculty and students of Lindhurst H.S., my family, and community. I will be held to a higher standard than other students and will be expected to treat everyone with the respect that I expect to be treated in return. By signing this agreement, I agree to the following conditions.
Currently, Keshawna is enrolled in school full-time, as a 9th grade student at East End Academy in Newport News, Virginia. She is there through the Virginia Independent Clinical Assessment Program (VICAP) process, and she is receiving day treatment services while there. In the last three months, Keshawna has some full day unexcused absences, and there has been intervention by school administration. Keshawna's performance at school is not promising; she is averaging C- or
On February 22, 2016, I was assigned this case for follow up. I was assigned a second case on February 24, 2016. The person involved in both investigations is Ms. Kassidy Pullara a fourteen year old T.C. Williams High School student. I contacted Doris L. Stanley (Guardian) and was granted access at school to interview Kassidy Pullara in school.
In the hypothetical case, the Rockshire High School official had reasonable cause to search Britney Sullivan’s cell phone for evidence that she and other students cheated on their AP History exam. The administrator suspects Britney because (1) the students scored extremely high on the AP History test (2) Britney has been in trouble in the past and is in the AP History class and (3) a teacher received a reliable tip from another student describing how the students cheated using social media. According to the Supreme Court case (New Jersey v. TLO, 469 U.S. 325 (1985).) the school administrator had the right to search the contents of the student's cell phone, since the administrator had reasonable cause to suspect the student of school policy infractions. The court’s decision in this case is that the student officials do not hold the same accountability of the police under search and seizure. Police are held to the strict accountability of probable cause while school officials according to the Supreme Court have only to prove reasonable cause. In this hypothetical case the supreme court would support the decision of the Rockshire High School administration to search a student's cell phone as evidence for cheating based on the fact that the administrator had evidence to support reasonable cause. The Supreme Court states, “reasonable grounds
There are many possibilities as to why Robeson High School could be facing these low performing ratings. One possibility that many have looked into is the teachers that are educating at these schools. The Chicago Public Schools (CPS) school district educated about 381,349 students in the 2016-2017 school district, according to CPS’s website. However, they employ only about 36,254 staff, with only 20,973 teachers employed. This is about 19 students per teacher. Looking closer into Robeson High School, the total enrollment was 355 students, and the total full time teachers was 34. With Robeson High having about 10 students with every teacher, it seems that the academics and test scores should be much better than they are.
Assistant Principal (AP) will be entering the community on October 01, 2016 to partner with parents of students that attend Silverado High School. The AP would like to communicate with parents that Silverado has an educational competitive environment that needs to stay healthy and safe. Our staff is committed to making their classroom rigorous and challenging. Students will be held accountable to hard work, perfect attendance, and high disciplinary structure. We are proclaiming that all student's with the help and support of our community will attend a college, career technical program, vocational program, and/or be highly qualified to enter a career after graduation. We want the community to know that this journey will not be easy and
On April 11, 2016, I was assigned this case to follow up. This investigation involves Mr. Rolin Josue Barahona Cruz. On April 12, 2016, I spoke to Rolin Barranoha (father) and asked him permission to speak to Rolin at T.C. Williams High School. I received permission and advised Mr. Barrahona that I would follow up with him or his wife in the afternoon. I spoke to Mr. Barahona in Spanish which was the language we used all throughout our interview.
I think students valley view high school that are in athletics should get a drug test, because schools will not allow students that play sports and have drugs in the blood. If the students have drugs in their bodies can get out of the sports that they play and schools are not going to risk the pride of the school if other districts find out that students play in under drug conditions valley view district can get in trouble.
Beth Walton and I were able to interview Jeff Waldron the Principal at Newton High School.