
Moral Dilemmas, Thomas Aquinas And David Hume And Nel Noddings

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As a law abiding citizen nothing gives me more joy than to obey laws and be a respectful citizen. Law is vital for people as without law and punishment the land would be awry and our safety would be jeopardized. But what happens when a law that is meant to protect us becomes unjust and does more harm than good? What happens when we realize that the law we so dearly treasure can no longer be tolerated and must be broken? Is that considered unlawful? Or am I going against my moral principle? Two children hounded by the government came to me for shelter and I let them in knowing the risk that I might also be punished. And as predicted the military police came looking for them shortly, they complimented my dedication to the law and claimed that I would not be punished if I harbored the children if I hand them over that is. It is a real dilemma as I must choose to commit a crime against the government and lie to the police or should I do the right thing and give the children up and go on living my peaceful life.To answer this question I will compare and contrast how Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther King,David Hume and Nel Noddings would deal with this dilemma. We begin with a quote from Thomas Aquinas,” the possession of all things in common and universal freedom are said to be of natural law ,because,namely,the distinctions…….for the benefit of human life” in this quote Aquinas is referring to natural law which is the law in nature. Natural law is different from human law as it

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