
Moore Beer, Inc. Case Study

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Here at Moore Beer, Inc., we are faced with some unsettling decisions that has impact our organizational dynamic structure. Due to some recent changes within our organization process and organization directions, the opportunity to exploring the technology world has trumped our business needs to more ways than one, which leads to our more recent decision to benefit our organization needs. At Moore Beer, Inc., we have determined our sources for the technology industry is yet to overcome a few propositions to extend our business via internet. In addition, to the technology world, we at Moore Beer, Inc. have determined a restructuring layout that will affect several of our members. Now, as we moved forward into our future endeavors, we will now have to reduce our workforce. Here at Moore Beer, Inc. this is something that we all hate to do, but …show more content…

Phillip is an average employee. All of his stats are average. He alone had been responsible for the quality programming of the system that will soon be obsolete. Since Phillip had been employed with us, Phillip received no special honors in the company or holds any prefer degrees; however, he has Navy that can be used within our organization. Throughout Phillip’s tenure with our organization, Phillip faced hardship with his attendance that may too be a result from his neurology ailment. My suggestion to terminate Phillip may impose the “Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Act of 1994, USERRA.” This act expresses “an employer’s right to terminate a reemployed serviceperson for cause, employers may be excused from reemploying or continuing employment of persons under 4312(d) (1) of the Act when the employer’s circumstances have so changed as to make reemployment impossible, unreasonable, or an undue hardship (D.P. Twomey pg. 590).” With this being said, along with his absenteeism rate, terminating him should not create a problem, but other issues

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