
Mongolian Peace Research Paper

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A Mongolian peace is not the first phrase that comes into many people’s minds when they think of the Mongols. Instead, scenes of terror and warfare may fill the mind. Perhaps there is the scene from Mulan, where the settlement was completed burned down and all that was left was a doll. The Mongols were more than a destructive group. This nomadic group fostered communication, trade, and innovation between diverse areas. They were successful at this because of their military tactics and readiness to assimilate.
The Mongols were a nomadic group, from which the most notable leader was Genghis Khan. The Mongols were active in the 13th Century in East Asia. As a nomadic group, the Mongols were herders. They would set camps to hunt, and then would leave when food was depleted . Horses aided the Mongols in both battle and hunting. In terms of social roles, women managed the camps while the men fought and hunted. The Mongols organized themselves into clans and tribes. These clans and tribes were headed by a khan. Tribal leaders made the decision with advice from the shaman, the spiritual leader .
The Mongols are mainly known for their invasions. They conquered much of Eurasia, and their conquests affected Russia, Persia, and Eastern Asia . While mainly known for their conquests, the Mongols …show more content…

This was the point when these locations could share ideas, technology, but also disease. Traders did well in Mongolian Persia, and the Mongols supported the merchants. Unlike the Chinese dynasties, the Mongols did not force taxation on the merchants. In Persia, the Mongols granted merchants with higher tax breaks. With the Pax Mongolica, conditions for traders, merchants, and travelers improved. Mongol forces protected trade routes, and traveling merchants were given a seal as a passport. From this, a postal service was also established for messages to travel for quickly . Trade routes also helped enforce the Mongol’s rule in

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