
Money Can Buy Happiness : Happiness

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Money Can Buy Happiness
Happiness, has long been an estate that huge numbers of individuals endeavor to create a path, that seeks to find it. Extensive research, surprisingly enough, does not have definitive answers on the concept of what makes one happy. As a matter of fact; there are as many attempts to define happiness, as there are the many scholars, theologians, psychologist and philosophers, curious enough to research it. Many¬¬; are unsuccessful in comparison to the ready definition of non-scholars and sources; such as Google and Wikipedia. A more intriguing and specific aspect of the definition of happiness, asks the question; can money buy it, or rather, is happiness determined mainly by external circumstances?
In the attempt to answer; the research found does not satisfy the most curious of minds, in that it poses more questions than the delivery of answers. Which results in yet more questions such as, can an individual truly find happiness on this side of eternity? Or, is happiness reserved for the afterlife as a reward for the virtue one had exhibited while yet alive? Is happiness a ‘goal’ to be sought after, as psychologist D. M. McMahon suggests in his article, “What does the ideal of happiness mean,” (2005), or is happiness, simply an emotion? Aristotle, an ancient philosopher, weighing in on the topic, concludes that happiness is not an emotion, (2005). This discussion proves to be quite interesting as the various perspectives of what both modern

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