
Summary Of Can Money Buy Happiness

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The average grande café latte from Starbucks on campus costs around $3.54 with the tax included. Let’s say you buy three of these lattes a week for a fifteen-week semester. By the end of the semester, you have spent around 54344 dollars on café latte. Now, obviously, everyone has their own coffee kicks, but what if that money was geared towards spending on others? Hamburgh argues intentional activities account for around forty percent of our actual happiness. Fifty percent is individual meaning it varies across the board One would feel a huge sense of gratitude if they were to take a brother to breakfast, or a girl on a nice date. You could still get your caffeine intake by substituting your latte for a drip coffee, which is half the price. The point being made by Hamburgh is how “our focus should be less on how …show more content…

I think that is important in evaluating your happiness.

With all this talk about finding your happiness, there should be a conversation on some differences with the two articles I chose. Both authors offer great additions in evaluating one’s life. Nevertheless, there is a large contrast when comparing an income to a religion. Hamburg’s evaluation in Can Money Buy Happiness is focused on a monetary approach. This is good because money can give us a lot of different opportunities. With money, one can afford certain vacations and better school districts for their kids. Hamburgh is basing his argument on something that is different for everyone. One person might have a better income because they were born into a better situation and could afford college. Especially with the massive wage gap in America today, there are some things that income

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