
Module Three Project: Issue Inquiry

Decent Essays

In Module Three, one of the projects I had to do was the Inquiry Three Project: Issue Inquiry. In the Issue Inquiry, I was required to write a paper on an ongoing social issue, while using the rhetorical elements, ethos, pathos, and logos. I also had to persuade my targeted audience, who were opposed, while using research sources. My paper was titled, Benefits and Equality For All: The Story of a Corrupt System. In it, I explained the lack of equality for homeschool students, especially when it came to the distribution of benefits. I was the rhetor and my audience was the Ohio Department of Education, the school district, homeschool and public school families. My subjects were the homeschool students, while the purpose of the paper was to convey the denial of benefits to homeschool students. In the thinking process of remediation, I wondered how I was going to present as much information as possible to my audience in a compelling way. At first, I had no idea what type of medium I was going to use, so I started reading the Faigleyetal Designing Texts. In this …show more content…

Then, I took all the miscellaneous paragraphs and organized them. I organized the information by using a template called, Explain Any Topic, where I created a diagram presenting an overview of my project. Using this tool enabled me to focus on the homeschool student versus the inequality of benefits. Focusing on the homeschool student created a better sense of pathos. Also, knowing that my audience is looking for facts, I used the ethos appeal. I was able to accomplish this by quoting credible sources like Stoltzfus, which helped me ease my audience into the logos appeal. Easing my audience into the logos appeal allows my audience to comfortably think logically about the issue. As I define discrimination and offer supporting arguments for why homeschool students should receive equal benefits, I'm applying

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