
Modern Marvel History

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In the article, “ Modern Marvels” by John Loocrapper, it conveys the history of toilets and toilet paper along with how they are made. In the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro located in present day Pakistan, they had the most advanced plumbing system of the world. It was very important to drain the sewage out of the cities so the smell would not cover a vast part of their area and they did just so. These devices have changed from then but most of the concepts that were created are still in use today. This piece of literature supports the claim how a toilet is made, the history of toilet also known as the evolution, and the background of toilet paper. To begin with making a toilet is not that easy as help is needed. First, a liquid …show more content…

“The Chinese invented and used toilet paper but only the emperor used it. Common people used their left hand. Though they had the paper, only higher class like emperors were allowed to use the tool. With that stated, when you were to shake a person's hand you would use your right as the left was dirty or called uncleansed. Next, in Europe during the 1300s to the 1600s people used hay, grass, and leaves which was more convenient than your own hand. Jumping to the 1700s in Colonial America people used corn cobs. After corn was chewed by their pigs it was soaked in water to make soft and ready for action. “ In the mid 1800s to the early 1900s Americans used newspaper and pages from the Sear catalog…”(4). As the paper from the catalog was spreading across America, the company decided to change paper to glossy print. This changed made it ineffective as it was unable to soak up anything. Thoughts went around for a while until 1857 when Joseph Gayetty produced the first toilet paper in the United States but it did not appeal to most people, so nothing was bought. Eventually Earvin and Clarence Scott invented the first toilet paper roll. Their company started in 1879 and it took off from there. This made the bathroom experience better as Americans use 26 billion rolls of toilet paper a year. The creation of this product did take a while to create and sell but it did end up filling everyone's

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