
Modern Day Slavery And The Second Largest International Organized Crime Industry

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Human trafficking has been an ongoing business that can be tracked many years back. Today it is considered to be modern day slavery and the second largest international organized crime industry. It brings in billions of dollars annually. Often human trafficking can be defined as the forced or coerced movement of people across national borders as well as within countries. Due to the increase of cultural and economic globalization, human trafficking sky rockets every year. Common areas victims are trafficked to parts of Asia, Europe and North America. Within the human trafficking sector, there are three major subsets. Sexual trafficking, Labor trafficking, and Organ trafficking.
Sex trafficking is the largest subset within the …show more content…

Due to the some of the factors stated above, I believe that human trafficking will only get worse. In my essay, I plan to discuss how these three countries are contributing to it, what theory I used to conduct my research and how it relates to the topic, the level of analysis/structure, sectorial processes, and my future prediction of human trafficking. Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling are often confused. There is a distinct difference between the two. According to the United States Department of States human smuggling is “the facilitation, transportation, attempted transportation or illegal entry of a person(s) across an international border, in violation of one or more countries laws, either clandestinely or through deception, such as the use of fraudulent documents.” Human Trafficking is “the trafficking of persons for the purpose of committing commercial sex acts, or to subject them to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.”
Structure/Level of Analysis/ Theory Although human trafficking is a global issue, the level of analysis I chose was regional. In this paper I am focusing on the Mekong region, where Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand are located. This region has a high amount of women and children that are trafficked into the sex industry. The theory I chose for this topic is Kenneth Waltz. Waltz is a neorealist and examines the international system from a top down view. He also looks at the behavior of states,

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