
Different Types Of Human Trafficking

Decent Essays

Human trafficking is an ongoing criminal industry that affects the lives of many individuals as well as deny them the simple right of freedom. There are three main kinds of human trafficking which are all different from each other, yet still impact a huge population of the U.S. Sex trafficking, labor trafficking, and debt bondage are the different kinds of human trafficking that affect people in the US. In addition, within sex trafficking, there is also the existence of child sex trafficking and prostitution. According to the International Labor Organization, there is an estimated 209.9 million incidents of human trafficking worldwide.
The Department of Home Land Security defines human trafficking as modern-day form of slavery involving the illegal trade of people for exploitation or commercial gain. This definition applies to the three different forms of human trafficking, but the purpose behind each one are quite different. Sex trafficking consists of …show more content…

A lack of strong labor protections is just some of the vulnerabilities that can lead to labor trafficking. In addition, victims of labor trafficking are affected by this due to different reasons like perhaps being promised a higher paying job or new and exciting opportunities. Labor trafficking includes but are not limited to: people forced to working in homes as domestic servants, farmworkers coerced through violence as they harvest crops, or factory workers held in inhumane conditions. Additionally, in construction work, health and beauty services, door-to-door sales crew, and carnivals. Although the current information being presented is discussing only about what occurs in America, globally there are 14.2 million people trapped in forced labor in industries including agriculture, construction, domestic work, and manufacturing, according to the International Labor

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