
Mobition And Guilt In Shakespeare's Macbeth Still Relevant Today

Decent Essays

William Shakespeare made many plays during his life time. Macbeth is one of his best plays although the play is only party relevant to modern audiences. The story of Macbeth is not relevant to modern audiences and modern audiences find the play hard to understand. Even though the story is not relevant the themes of Macbeth are in modern society. The characters are only partly relevant as some characters are very hard to connect with as they are people that cannot be related to in modern society.
Macbeth’s storyline is not relevant to modern audiences. The plot of Macbeth is about a general who is prophesised by witches to become king and then does anything he can to get there including killing the king and his friends. Modern audiences as they …show more content…

One of the ambitious characters in the play was Macbeth as his ambition even conquered his own sanity: “The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be which the eye fears, when it is done, to see” (Act 1, Scene 4). This shows that even though he knew what he was doing was wrong his ambition drove him to do it. Guilt is the other main theme of Macbeth. Guilt is shown by Lady Macbeth through the ending of the play and her guilt eventually drove her to kill herself: “A cry within of women … What was that cry for? The queen, my lord, is dead” (Act 5, Scene 5). Also during the end of the play soon before her death Lady Macbeth sleepwalks trying to wash the blood theoretically off of her hands as her guilt takes over her subconscious mind: “Yet here’s a spot ... Out, damned spot! Out I say!” (Act 5, Scene 1). This shows the horrible guilt that Lady Macbeth endures before her death. Ambition and guilt are also shown in real life. Oscar Pistorius, after killing his girlfriend, felt guilty and this was shown in court. This shows that guilt is evident in modern society. Ambition is also seen in real life, Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook stepped on his friends for glory and fame. This shows that ambition can be seen in the modern world. The themes of Macbeth are relevant to modern society. But this is not the only part of Macbeth that is relevant to modern audiences as the characters are partly

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