
Misunderstand Ambition Definition

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Ambition: Inspiration for Aspirations “ Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in” (Bradley, Bill). What Bradley meant was that Ambition is one of the essential keys for success but you need to have the perseverance for it to achieve what you want. If you have ever wanted to accomplish something or get somewhere maybe a certain goal, that right there is Ambition. Ambition is an inspiration for your Aspirations. Some people sometimes misunderstand Ambition and they think of being acquisitive which is basically being greedy. In life you have to be Ambitious to get what you want. There are many ways that this is expressed throughout our culture, history, and our thoughts. Everyone is Ambitious in some ways because …show more content…

Ambition is not only the desire for material things such as money, a sports car or a diamond or gold ring. Ambition is the wanting of improvement in your life if you are willing to put effort and set your mind to your goals, you are experiencing an Ambition that will do good. In the The Webster's New World Thesaurus Ambition is “ Hope, earnestness, to make or become better, improve.” This synonyms for Ambition mean that to become better you have to stride to be the best and keep on trying no matter what. Ambition is something normal and there is nothing wrong with it as long as you don't lust for something poor or …show more content…

Thriftless ambition, that wilt ravin up Thine own life's means! Then 'tis most like The sovereignty will fall upon Macbeth.” This is said when two of the Characters in the play kill their father and what Shakespeare meant by that was that it was a vacuous decision made by the Characters for having the Ambition or desire to kill their father. This type of Ambition is bad because to be Ambitious about drugs, murder, or money will lead people to do some crazy things and it will lead to situations in which they will be miserable.That is the opposite of what Ambition really is about because to fill your life with happiness if to improve your life; therefore, if you Ambition yourself with substandard things your life will turn for the worst instead of being filled with jubilation and making you an eminent someone. The Bartlett's Family Quotations there is a certain quote by William Shakespeare that says, “ I charge thee, fling away ambition: By that sin fell the angels.” What Shakespeare meant by this was that you shouldn't be Ambitious because it is a sin but what i think he meant by Ambition was that one should not be greedy. Greed and Ambition are sometimes confused because to be greedy is to want something all for yourself without thinking of others and/or the consequences; Although, Ambition also means to want something it is not the same as greed. Ambition could be used for bad or good but one should

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