
Missional Analysis Paper

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Missional, is a term that seems to have taken its place in the church of today. The term is not foreign, but one that many have come to understand. Prior to launching into seminary school, I became familiar with the term, and possibly used it, however, I fully understood the term missional, upon taking this class. I also understand the purpose of the term missional and the characteristics of it as well. When God set the world into place the missional church was on the rise. Therefore, this is nothing new under the sun. This paper will reveal the analysis of four uniquely sought out churches and how they consider themselves as being missional.

What is Missional? In Matthew 28: 16-20 tells us, “then the eleven disciples went …show more content…

God wants salvation for all mankind. For salvation to be available to all and to the ends of the earth is the plan of God to accomplish this Great mandate. In the reading, The Ministry of the Missional Church, written by Craig Van Gelder, he shares, “critical to understand God’s redemptive purposes is understanding that the universality of the Good News is always embedded in particularity.” That being said, one has to have a clear and concise understanding of “the church and redemption. Van Gelder explains that the gospel frees the church to live in a posture of vulnerability within the world such that this vulnerability often leads the church to the margin.” The church posture was created for the sake of the world.
Therefore, the purpose of the church is and has been shaped to carry out God’s mission. Van Gelder describes, “the kingdom of God, and the redemptive reign of God in Christ, gives birth to the missional church through the work of the Spirit.” Therefore, one needs to have the understanding of the term missional church. W.Rodman Macllvaine a writer of What is the Missional Church Movement, defines the missional church as a unified body of believers, intent on being God’s missionary presence to the indigenous community that surrounds them, recognizing that God is already at …show more content…

Joseph Umidi, writer of Transformational Coaching describes missional church “foundation is expressed in His Body, the Church, in the way they express life relationally. In fact, He said it was the one way they would know who we are…by the love (quality of our relationships and therefore the quality of our conversations) that we have for one

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