
Miscarriage Research Paper

Decent Essays

Have your ever thought what life would be like if one of your siblings weren’t born? I’ve thought what life would be like without my sister Kylie. Or what life would be like if my Mom didn’t have a miscarriage. My sister Jaclyn might not even be here if my Mom didn’t have a miscarriage. You will love your family more than anyone you ever meet. You will always love your family in your heart even if you say you don’t, and you will always regret how little time you spent with a family member before the family member dies. I am the oldest child in my family. My sister Kylie was born after me. When she was born, I didn’t like it that much. I liked having a new member in the family, but more work was put on me. It was my first sign of getting older. Along with having more work, I was blamed on for everything. If she made a mess with my toys, it was my mess. Now that she is older she no longer makes messes for me to clean up. After Kylie was born my mother had a miscarriage. I remember how heart broken my mom was. She couldn’t think straight, and she was always in a bad mood. I felt like the saddest person in the world, even though now that I think back my mother was more sad than me. The miscarriage brought me to realization, knowing that life doesn’t last forever. At least it …show more content…

Then after Quentin my sister Jaclyn came. When Jaclyn was about a year old she jumped out of her crib in the middle of the night. You could hear her screams of pain through the house. It worried the whole family that she would do it again. She eventually did, but she was a little older so she didn’t get hurt. Other than that she was a repeat of Kylie. Making me clean her messes, and helping her with homework. It was another way of saying, I’m growing up. Jaclyn slept in the same room as Kylie. I don’t know why but it always bothers me that Jaclyn and Kylie have a bigger room than me. Just a way to learn that life isn’t fair, and it never will

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