
Miscarriage Research Papers

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Expecting a child or children can be an exciting experience for expecting parents; however, it may take a physical and mental toll on the mother. During the nine-month period of pregnancy, the baby forms and grows inside the mother’s womb, but all the while the development becomes stronger, the mother becomes weaker. Side effects of pregnancy can include morning sickness, frequent urination, constipation, weaker tissue, and many more obnoxious occurrences. One of the less common side effects that affect the pregnancy altogether is a miscarriage, in which the mother loses the child/children in the first twenty weeks. There are many situations that can lead to miscarriages, such as the egg having an incorrect number of chromosomes, the egg not …show more content…

There is no surprise how the experience of having a miscarriage can be traumatic, and with trauma comes difficulties. It turns out, a major difficulty that women may have after a miscarriage is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Imperial College London claims that one third of women who have had a miscarriage begin to show PTSD symptoms, which usually show as stress reactions. Typically, there are four specific symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. The first is when the person relives the traumatic event, through nightmares, flashbacks, and/or anything that may trigger the same reaction; in this case, the mother may suffer from panic attacks from the thought of losing the pregnancy. The second symptom shows as avoiding things that may remind them of the trauma, such as putting themselves in the same situation. This could heavily influence the mother into avoiding pregnancy in fear of another miscarriage. The third affects one more personally, as it brings out negative changes in behavior and belief; relationships with others may be questioned or repelled just as religion may seem incompetent.

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