I believe minors should be able to use web pages and social media even if they spend too much time using it, however it also has benefits in the long run because it makes minors be up to date with what's happening around the world. Even though it looks like a bad idea minors will have a more positive impact. Every day minors get involve in web pages and social media which may sound as a bad thing but it's not. With social media and web pages minors are able to communicate much faster. This helps in emergencies when you don't have service, but if you log into social media you are able to message people through your phone if you have wi-fi which you don't have to pay for and it almost everywhere. Furthermore minors are able to know what's happening
Parents watch their children before they get themselves in trouble. On the other hand, children don’t deserve to be watched and questioned after every interaction on the internet. The uses of the internet for teens involve following celebrities or people they look up to. They mostly follow people they know. If not, they follow people who have the same interests as them.
Theres two problems children are facing and parents included. Children shouldn’t be allowed to be on social media at the age of six between fourteen. They shouldn’t be allowed to because young children don’t have the age because they won’t be able to know what’s going on social media. I think it’s a bad idea letting your children
Pornography web sites can be easily accessed by minor teenagers without any restriction, even though the web site prompts the conditions kids could just disregard it period, which could increase corruption and motive them to engage into negativity; however web sites like you tube does not permit to view video’s which is impropriate for minors under certain age, they certainly oblige the users to register for an account in order to views certain videos after a user is done with a complete registration, System does a background check if the user is allowed to watch. Technology makes a lot of sense but it it’s not realistic because anyone could violate the terms and condition by entering false information such has date of birth and manipulate the system for they own requirements. As Elizabeth Schroeder, the executive director of Answer, a national sex-education organization based at Rutgers University, said: “Your child is going to look at porn at some point. It’s inevitable.” Parents cannot always keep on track what the child does,
About 80% of teenagers today, have social media and approximately 40% of social media is used for communicating. Some of the popular social sites today may include Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Facebook. I believe minors should be allowed to have social media because it has become a major part of today’s way of living by entertainment and has become a major form of communication.
trouble. In trouble with their parents, or the law. This system has its benefits and its
Millions of children use the internet almost daily. Cybercrime is a multibillion dollar industry. Around half of teens have been cyber bullied and well over half don't tell a parent when it does occur. Parents should use parental control because their are predators on social media. Also identity theft is very plausible and it will help with time management.
Like it was said in the last paragraph, most parents believe that children or teens will somehow end up on inappropriate websites. But what they don’t realize is that’s not what happens. Most times we don’t go on bad things. Most inappropriate accounts or sites are blocked. The whole company that owns the social media accounts or websites find these bad sites and shut them down before any harm is done. Kids
We have all heard the saying, “nothing good happens after midnight”. Many of the largest cities in the United States have enacted laws on curfews for young adults under the age of 18 years old. These laws are positioned to respond, in a positive manner, to the problems that arise when minors are out at all times of the night. These problems can cause an unsafe environment for not only the youth, but for the general public out late at night. Although curfews are not enacted in all major cities, this law is initiated to protect minors because it aids in reducing crime; assisting parents in setting boundaries for their children; and protecting non-delinquents from being the victim of a crime.
It's important for teens to be aware of the dangers over the Internet. For example, 95 percent of social media- using teens who have social media, have seen cruel behavior. 27 percent of people report harassers over the Internet quite a bit. Also, many children are too trusting of anyone they meet that seems nice, even over the Internet. 30 percent of people have said they would travel to meet each other in person.
When anyone signs up for a social media account, you are putting your personal information at risk. The difference between kids and adults is kids don't think about hackers or who is really behind the account that has been made. Children do not think about what will happen during consequences while adults do, and can prevent it by not letting children on social media or even have an account.
Many children are getting more involved in social media today. They want to feel more connected to their friends, and know what is going on in the world. However, they are also getting cyberbullied online, so how young is too young?
Many social media apps like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram are used today. There are many children at age 6-12 who use social media. Social media can be a dangerous place to be in. Is it appropriate for children? No, because there is negative, inappropriate, and cruel things on them. From violent videos, to adult films, to inappropriate language. Children at that age should not be using social media. As of today, many children are getting bullied, kidnapped, and murdered. It is unbelievable how many innocent children have been treated. It is sad, this is why children should not be using social media. It will take them to an incorrect path or lose their life.
As teenagers use the internet as a daily thing they are at risk every second, they are on social media with lots of strangers, which is why teenagers should be very aware. the internet consist of many things, the internet has many dangerous things that could be easily reached. some teenagers are at risk of being cyberbullied on social media, some
The application can also be integrated with social networking site like Facebook. The user can choose for help/location alerts to be shown on their Facebook Wall as well. This will increase the chances of people seeing the notification and coming for help.
Facebook, twitter and instagram are all methods used to share your life with others. You’re able to post pictures and type statuses to inform your friends, followers, etc., what you have been up to and how you have been living your life. Adults usually post pictures and statuses focusing on their family, trips and special events in their lives, while the younger generation takes social media a lot more serious. Every moment of their lives are put out there for the world to see, sometimes without the realization. Teenagers on social media are always trying to impress and one up each other. They sometimes post inappropriate material to try to look as cool as possible without realizing that ultimately employers, teachers, parents, law enforcement and strangers all have the ability to see. The problem is once something is on the internet it is there forever, and if caught you can find yourself in major trouble.