
Minecraft Username Essay

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What Is your Current Minecraft Username?
My current ingame name is BabyVis

Do you own any Alternate Accounts, and or use any?
Yes, I do.

If so please list them.
I will not be disclosing my alts publicly, you can ask me in private if you really need to know.

Have you ever changed your username?
Yes, I have.
I've put a link to my NameMc below.

If so please list all the previous names. How active are you ingame?
I can put in a good amount of hours on weekdays but can do a lot more on weekends. I can dedicate 3-6 hours during school days depending on my workload from my classes, and 6-12 hours during weekends depending on family plans.

How active can you be as Staff?
The majority of my time spent in …show more content…

As the first Ban team member on prisons, I have extensive knowledge on players hacking, and how to deal with them. I am extremely experienced when it comes to Xenforo, Teamspeak, and discord. I have set up numerous Teamspeak servers and enjoy making icons for different Ts roles. The same goes for Xenforo, I am proficient in just about everything Xenforo related and have contributed to making the Cosmic Prisons forums into what they are today. I am patient with players and staff alike and can help problem solve for a player with an issue. Aside from the staffing aspect, I’d like to think I bring a nice personality. I know when to banter and when to be serious, I enjoy cracking jokes with the people I work with but try to be as productive as possible. Leo and I are a very knowledgeable pair, we have worked together for a very long time and know each other's strengths and weaknesses. We offer unparalleled work ethics and enjoy helping mold servers into something great.

Where have you recently staffed and what did you learn from that server?
I have a bunch of small servers in my pocket but I feel I gained the most experience from staffing on CosmicPrisons. I learned the fundamentals of how a successful server is run and what is needed to keep it running smoothly without issues along the way. For example what keeps a player base around and how to manage a large group of people all

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