
Assignment Questions

Satisfactory Essays

1. IGN? Bwekky 2. Age? 16 3. Timezone? LAX PST 4. Are you a donor? (Name, Rank) I currently do not have the expenses to afford a rank but if i did i would 5. Do you have access to Discord/Teamspeak? Teamspeak, Skype, Discord you name it 6. How long have been playing on MapleCraft? I have just joined recently but i'm planning on playing a lot more 7. How active can you be per day on MapleCraft? Considering that school starts in a couple days i would say around 5 hours per week day and a lot more on weekends 8. How do you think you can benefit the server by being helper? I've been staff on a lot of other servers and one thing i get promoted on is my activity, i'm very active on discord, forums, and in game answering all the players …show more content…

But i had to resign because i wasn't active enough because i had events going on in my life and i just didn't have time for minecraft anymore, and when i resigned they said i was gonna be promoted to moderator but i wasn't because of my inactivity. After that i still play on the server and i'm great friends with the staff. After that i joined this server called TheRegionMc because Consolidation, Heyimliz_, and Lokiies wanted me to play with them and i grew very fond of the server and after my friends quit i didn't and after my time of playing i decided to apply for staff and one the first try i got accept to be a helper, and a couple weeks later i was promoted to mod and another couple weeks later i was about to be promoted to Ban-Team but the server shut down. I joined that server the day after it opened and i stayed around until the end of the server which was about 6 months. After that i took a long break from minecraft in general but then i came back and i was offered around 2 positions as mod on other servers created by the previous staff team of TheRegionMc. BloodlustMc, and FireFactions. Sadly the servers were never released. But After that i thought i really want to help servers and i started becoming an administrator for servers and the first one that i was admin for was Agora

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