
Middle Schoolers Should Have Recess Essay

Decent Essays

Whether or not middle schoolers should have recess is a widely debated topic. Recess is where students usually k-6th grade, and even 7th and 8th grade too play/hangout either inside or outside. Most all schools have a playground for the littler kids to play on while the older kids mainly hang out and talk or even some play on the playground too. Some people support recess because they think it gets kids to move and get more active. On the other hand, some people do not support recess because they think that kids just sit around and do nothing the whole entire time.

Those who support middle schoolers having recess may argue that recess helps middle schoolers focus better after they’ve got all their energy out by running around. One study showed that “...students who had more than 15 minutes of recess time a day had better behavior in class …show more content…

One reason why some people feel this way is because recess takes away students class time. In the text it states “The government wants students' test scores to be higher. If schools cut back on recess, then students would have more time to study and learn, and teachers would have more time to teach” ("Should kids have recess every day?" ). This shows that when students have recess it takes away class time/learning time. If schools cut back on recess or didn’t have it at all and gave teachers more time to teach then students could score higher on tests because they had more class time to learn. Another example that supports this when the article states, “‘Because of the short instructional day, some school communities opt not to have recess...” ("Recess makes kids smarter: the benefits of recess are clear. Why are so many schools cutting back?"). This shows that many schools don’t have recess due to the short time students would have in class. If schools cut back on recess then students would have more time to

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