Microcephaly is a condition that affects infants. It is characterized by a smaller than typical head circumference due to problems with brain development. Typically, as a baby’s brain grows in utero, the head and skull grow as well, however if the brain is not developing as it should, the head will not grow as expected (CDC). It can be caused by genetic disorders such as Down’s syndrome, as well as other chromosomal syndromes and neurometabolic syndromes (NINDS). Microcephaly can also be caused in utero if the pregnant mother abuses alcohol or drugs, or becomes infected with certain viruses.
The severity of symptoms can vary, and can include physical symptoms with normal intelligence, to impaired physical and cognitive development, with the potential for seizures, delayed motor and speech functions, and many other physical and neurological problems. In most cases, the problems are chronic and a lifelong issue. At times, they can be life-threatening (CDC). There is no treatment to fix the physical abnormalities found in microcephaly.
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It typically comes as capsule or tablet. Its addictiveness is still not fully established, but some users have been known to become dependent on it, as evidenced by continued use despite negative physical or psychological effects. Increases in tolerance and withdrawal effects have also been reported.
MDMA effects three neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The feelings of strong emotion and increase in sociability are likely due to the release of serotonin, as serotonin is a large factor in mood. Serotonin is also responsible for releasing vasopressin and oxytocin, which also amplify feelings caused by MDMA. After the release of serotonin, however, the brain “comes down” from these feelings. Confusion, depression, and anxiety are common after serotonin has been depleted, and may become chronic after heavy MDMA
The Zika virus can affect your babies brains if you get this disease. The biggest thing with the zika is the symptom you get if you get Zika. Microcephaly can you affect a soon to become alive babies and make
MDMA has been found to be useful in treating schizophrenia due to the effects in has when it saturates the 5HT2A receptors in the prefrontal cortex. This causes the MDMA to block D2 receptors in the mesolimbic area, which reduces the positive symptoms of schizophrenia, such as hallucinations. This is because the hypoactive release of DA is blocked, and the stimulatory effects on glutamate releases from 5HT2A receptors such as activated mesolimbic dopamine neurons is reduced, preventing
Symptoms vary depending on the amount of damage caused by pressure in the brain. Symptoms may be similar to symptoms of progression of hydrocephalus in children, or may include the following or other symptoms:
The most common symptom of the Zika virus is the abnormally small skull also known as, microcephaly. This virus which is transmitted as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) is the This mosquito which carries the Zika virus inhabits areas with standing water especially, countries with inadequate sewer systems and
The group did not watch confirmation of microcephaly in the child monkeys, yet is as yet investigating the prematurely ended creatures' tissues. For the present study, the analysts tainted pregnant monkeys amid their first trimesters of pregnancy, and in addition non-pregnant rhesus macaques (three guys and three
The same media statement displays a chaotic tone when it dispels the instability to the public as it states, “no single piece of evidence provides conclusive proof that Zika virus infection is a cause of microcephaly and other fetal brain defects. This statement is critically flawed in contradiction, and serves only to confuse the public even further, about the possibilities of Zika virus causing microcephaly. It is clear the media at times serves to confuse, and terrorize the public, and nobody is off limits in the fearmongering game, perpetuated by mainstream media.
Anencephaly is one of the neural tube defect and it is a serious birth defect that cause a baby to born with the absent of the brain and skull. In normal baby the formation and closing of neural tube will help form a normal brain and skull which is the upper part of neural tube along with spinal cord, and back bones which is the lower part of the neural tube. What happened in anencephaly Is that the upper part of the neural tube will not close probably all the way. This will cause the baby to be born with the absent of the front part of forebrain and the tanking part of the brain which is the cerebrum. The rest of the brain are often with neither skin nor bone
Usually, microcephaly can range from mild to severe. Babies with this condition have many health problems
The axon terminals after the neurotransmitters are released are supposed to reabsorb the extra neurotransmitters. The lack of serotonine in the neurons cause a lack of serotonine transporters, the spots on the neurons responsible for reabsorbing serotonine. Ecstasy blocks the re-uptake of serotonine by the synaptic terminal. The serotonine becomes toxic and begins to kill off brain cells (“After the Rave: the Ecstasy Hangover”, (www.faculity.washington.edu/chudler/mdma.html).
Lissencephaly (colloquially known as smooth brain) is a rare developmental disorder of the brain cortex due to impaired neuronal migration between the 3rd and 4th months of human gestation. The condition can appear isolated or associated with diverse phenotypes such as Miller-Dieker or Walker-Warburg syndrome.
The role of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the scientific community is controversial, but recent findings suggest that it could be a promising aid in psychotherapy (Mithoefer et al., 2013). MDMA is a popular recreational drug that has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties and is known to promote positive mood and enhanced overall sociability in users (Liechti et al., 2001). An overwhelming amount of past research on MDMA raises concerns about its neurotoxicity, but there is no present consensus on the topic due to both the lack of translatability across species and inconsistent findings (Mueller et al., 2013). Despite the uncertainty about its neurotoxicity, MDMA is presently undergoing trials to test its efficacy as a
What I learn from this videos is about MDMA and ecstasy that there is a difference between MDMA and ecstasy. The MDMA is the chemical methylenedioxy methamphetamine and ecstasy not only contain MDMA but also contain other drugs like MDPV, methamphetamine, and cocaine that can be harmful, but it can also include things that are legal like DXM and caffeine. The MDMA affect the brain that it increased blood flow in the ventromedial frontal cortex, occipital cortex, inferior temporal lobe, and cerebellum. And it decreased cerebral blood flow in the motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, and temporal lobe. These changes are temporary regards to cerebral blood flow and activity during the MDMA experience. MDMA is an illegal drug that acts as both a
According to the American Psychiatric Association chronic drug abuse may occur together with any mental illness that may include some of the following disorders. “Some common serious mental disorders associated with chronic drug abuse include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, manic depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and antisocial personality disorder” (Center, 2004). Some of these disorders carry with them an increased risk of drug abuse. Another example of a drug that can cause a mental disorder, is MDMA (3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) which is commonly known as ecstasy. It produces long term deficits in serotonin function in the brain, leading to mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.
An individual’s behavior and emotion becomes chemically altered often resulting in dependency, aggression, onset of diseases and poor judgement. This poses a dangerous threat to the neurotransmitters since they have multiple jobs in different parts of the brain. Drugs of abuse are able to exert influence over the brain reward pathway either by directly influencing the action of dopamine within the system, or by altering the activity of other neurotransmitters that exert a modulatory influence over this pathway. These drugs are often powerful and have been known to trigger schizophrenic behavior and can also cause a person to cease breathing, for example hallucinogens such as LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin are able to artificially stimulate the serotonin receptor (Sapolsky, 2005).
Due to the uncertainty of links between Zika virus and microcephaly as well as a dearth of knowledge on how the virus produces this teratogenic outcome, this essay has been written with a thesis statement that is that these occurrences are not a mere coincidence but that Zika virus is indeed responsible for the occurrence of microcephaly in foetuses. To achieve this, this paper will highlight results of a research carried out