
Microcephaly Case Studies

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Microcephaly is a condition that affects infants. It is characterized by a smaller than typical head circumference due to problems with brain development. Typically, as a baby’s brain grows in utero, the head and skull grow as well, however if the brain is not developing as it should, the head will not grow as expected (CDC). It can be caused by genetic disorders such as Down’s syndrome, as well as other chromosomal syndromes and neurometabolic syndromes (NINDS). Microcephaly can also be caused in utero if the pregnant mother abuses alcohol or drugs, or becomes infected with certain viruses.
The severity of symptoms can vary, and can include physical symptoms with normal intelligence, to impaired physical and cognitive development, with the potential for seizures, delayed motor and speech functions, and many other physical and neurological problems. In most cases, the problems are chronic and a lifelong issue. At times, they can be life-threatening (CDC). There is no treatment to fix the physical abnormalities found in microcephaly. …show more content…

It typically comes as capsule or tablet. Its addictiveness is still not fully established, but some users have been known to become dependent on it, as evidenced by continued use despite negative physical or psychological effects. Increases in tolerance and withdrawal effects have also been reported.
MDMA effects three neurotransmitters: serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. The feelings of strong emotion and increase in sociability are likely due to the release of serotonin, as serotonin is a large factor in mood. Serotonin is also responsible for releasing vasopressin and oxytocin, which also amplify feelings caused by MDMA. After the release of serotonin, however, the brain “comes down” from these feelings. Confusion, depression, and anxiety are common after serotonin has been depleted, and may become chronic after heavy MDMA

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