
Michael Polanyi's Tacit Meaning

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Interestingly, Michael Polanyi introduced the technique of tacit knowing to solve the problem for obtaining an accurate interpretation, so that ‘we can know more than we can tell’ . His implication of method is definitely clear for hermeneutical application. He emphasizes tat ‘Christian commitment is necessary to share the test-shaping community’s horizons and it is the indwelling of these appropriate presuppositions that allows understanding. Only in commitment to following Jesus will the interpreter find that genuine textual truths can be discovered. ‘The effort of knowing is thus guided by a sense of obligation towards the truth; by an effort to submit to reality’ .

Klein, Blomerg and Hubbard should have give a good piece of advice on methodology:
‘Though we will argue that objective certainty in interpretation will always elude our grasp, we do propose a critical hermeneutical approach that will provide standards and tactics to guide us in navigating through the variable …show more content…

It is usually the author who will interpret intentionally and will produce a single and specific meaning of a text, though the Scripture carries ‘multiply complex senses by God’, according to Jewish and Christian tradition . He may interpret it according to his cultural values, community and language that he is familiar with. Nevertheless, this issue may bring the argument of if a meaning is interpreted correctly is the task of a reader, who could be the one that is creating the meaning, while reading the text concerned, instead of an author. Hence, the meanings should remind independently, ‘regardless of what the author meant or of what later readers understand from them’. In the usually case, some readers will read whatever the text is interpreted and will perceive that the author has done an excellent interpretive task, particular it is related to an archaeological point of

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