
Snodgrass And Capon: A Comparative Analysis

Decent Essays

Characterize both methods of reading Jesus’ parables and then compare and contrast the two. Determine if the two methods of reading are contradictory, complementary, involved in radically different projects, or if they are in some other relationship.
Klyne Snodgrass and Robert Capon have written books on how to truly read and understand the parables of Jesus. As one reads the books, one can see that he author has a strong passion for understanding the parables. Capon (2002) compares the differences between left-handed and right-handed power to describe the understanding of parables. The left-handed as being the mysterious exercise of power and right-handed being the more straightforward, logical power. Capon (2002) suggested, “many people believe …show more content…

One would see the parables as a guide for living today and not in reading them as a message for when they were writing. In contrast, Snodgrass vision is that parables provide a way to understand the kingdom of God. It looks at the historic value within the parable. Further, Snodgrass (2008) tells us to interpret what is given, not what is omitted yet Capon (2002) claims that one must look beyond what is given and have faith in Jesus promises. Though their approaches are quite different, the two methods of Snodgrass (2008) and Capon (2002) are complementary. Using the methodology of both Snodgrass (2008) and Capon (2002) to interpret the parables of Jesus can offer us a well-rounded approach to understand the meaning of Jesus teachings so that people can examine their own spirituality as well as apply these understandings in ones lives. While seemingly on opposites sides of the interpretive divide, both support our ability to make meaning from Jesus parables. By studying this method one might miss that the real meaning of the message is to be seen in the time it was taught. While the methods by which Snodgrass (2008) and Capon (2003) interpret Jesus parables may be vastly different, their goal remains the same to provide a way for us to understand the teachings of Jesus in his parables.
Snodgrass (2008) included …show more content…

While Jesus was not the first to use parables to teach a message or communicate understanding, Snodgrass (2008) provided insight as to how Jesus parables are unique among the parabolic literature in the ancient world among different cultures. The parables told by the rhetoricians in the Greco-Roman show that Jesus’ parables would not have seemed strange to hear and do not come close to that of Jesus but regularly have explanations and show that parables are effective because of their contexts. According to Snodgrass, (2008) “While there are some similarities such as the Greco-Roman parables in which they are, like Jesus parables, confronting people for their failures” (p. 46). His comparison between the parables of Jesus and those told in the ancient world tells us that Jesus’ use of the parables is the prophetic tradition of the Old Testament. He also mentions some comparisons among Jewish writings. In the early Jewish material there is relatively little that is close to Jesus’ narrative parables. According to Snodgrass, (2008) “The use of parables in not unique to Jesus, but we do not have evidence that anyone prior to him used parables so frequently or forcefully as he did” (p. 59). It is this frequent use and the force of which he used the parables to send a message that makes

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