
Michael Edwards Ethnographic Approach

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ART THERAPY: Michael Edwards was an art therapist, and analytical psychologist among other. “He was also the first Emeritus Professor of Art Therapy at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada.” (Wikipedia, 2014) Edwards and other artist lived together at Withymead and “based on Jungian ideas and belief in the healing power of the visual and expressive arts….As a Jungian teacher and practitioner.” (Wikipedia, 2014) Edwards influenced the field of art therapy internationally. Since I have traveled extensive, my burning question will evolve around understanding the exposure that executive have. Edwards proposed that independent expression amplifies when individual’s use imagination dialogue, which enhance patient and therapist understanding. …show more content…

First, The Self - “the self, represents unification of the unconsciousness and consciousness of an individual….the process better known as individuation.” (Cherry, 2014) Therefore, to understand a leader’s “self” I will take an ethnographic approach for starters. Second, The Shadow – reflects on the sex and life instinct…as part of the unconscious mind.” (Cherry, 2014) In retrospect, qualitative observation or interacting with corporate leaders will be to apply creative exercises. Also, I will have to reflect further on what a person may repress, weakness they hold back, innate desire, natural instinct and how leaders project values on others. Third, The Anima or Animus – “The anima is a feminine image in the male psyche and the animus is a male image in the female psyche.”(Cherry, 2014). Since the anima/animus represents the "true self" reflecting on completion, unification and wholeness, I will have to interpret what are the true hidden values of the leaders. I will have to find a way to query individuals so they project their hidden psyche. Fourth, The Persona – reflects on how individual present themselves behind their social …show more content…

Does the art processes (drawing, painting, music, drama, sculpture, weaving, poetry, dancing and more) move in a positive directions? By using various art forms, I have learned individuals can express internal emotions (depression, hostility, or other). Art practices have been successful in medical science environment, so transferring to a corporate setting also has advantage. Leaders experiencing high stress levels, can also use these strategies. They can help create feelings of balance between work and home, resulting in a healthier work environment. Less issues of employee dissatisfaction, resentment, and turnover. Applications include promoting communication, fostering creativity and innovation in the organization. Corporations “can better help management draft policies” (Agarwal, 2013) and reduce stress, rigidity and obstacles such as corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting. Leaders projecting imaginary work will reveal thoughts in the subconscious mind voicing concerns or strategies that can be developed readily. School of Thought: Reflection on my psyche when working in the Military Intelligence with only men. Collectively, they taught about full involvement and not leaving anyone behind. Corporate Education Programs set-up workshops, in-service programs, lectures, both on-stie or off-site. Art incorporation is intended to “evoke responses and create outcomes that are different from traditional training and personal

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