
Michael Crichton's The Andromeda Strain And Jurassic Park

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Michael Crichton was an author from the years he went to college till the day he died. He originally wanted to study medicine and become a doctor, but his urge to write overcame it, he still would graduate with an M.D. He would go on to write thrillers and techno-thrillers. Not only were his books meant to entertain, they were also meant to inform people about the societal issues that existed in the world at that time. His books were also part of the postmodernism movement because his books would talk about topics that involved the real world. Many of his books would focus on the scientific and technological side of things. Although many critics would disagree with the points he was trying to get across in many of his most popular books like …show more content…

From many of his books like The Terminal Man to Jurassic Park. These issues range from scientists and businessmen trying to play God, to people trying to take advantage of the limits of technology. Although, the way in which he gets across his point of societal issues in the modern world is through the use of the techno-thriller genre and its aspects. Such as the techno-thrillers use of time travel, spaceships, spores from space and lost civilizations (D’Ammassa, 1). His two most known novels The Andromeda Strain and Jurassic Park are most known for his use of the aspect of the novel to get across his concept on societal issues. His novel Jurassic Park gives the best example of societal issues in the real world. The whole theme of the novel was that scientists had found dinosaur DNA that they then proceed to use and start gene splicing it with that of the genes of modern reptiles like frogs and lizards. This then caused the creation of the dinosaur which would be used as a major attraction sight for tourists (D’Ammassa, 1). The whole societal issue that is portrayed throughout the whole novel is the fact that the scientists are trying to play the role of God as they are messing with dinosaur DNA and then proceeding to give life to the creatures even though they have no idea of what the dinosaurs they are creating are capable of. These scientists are also taking …show more content…

He then finds people who have studied the fossils of these animals and have an understanding of the animals so John knows what he is getting into. All goes well until a storm hits and knocks out the power in the whole park. This causes chaos within the park, allowing the dinosaurs to escape their paddocks and roam freely among the park. Some people die, but the main characters are able to make it out alive. Most critics find the science that is seen throughout Crichton’s novel is very unbelievable (Johnston). Crichton states that biotechnology will be “the greatest revolution” in human history, but through a character in his book named Ian Malcolm he says that science is very powerful and people will not understand how to use it and this shows when the character John Hammond decides to use biotechnology to create a huge profit for himself (Johnston). The plot to Crichton’s novel The Andromeda Strain starts when the U.S. sends satellites into space to capture space particles to be studied. Not long after, a satellite re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere crash landing in a small town, particles within the crashed satellite create an epidemic within the town killing anyone in it. The government wants to nuke the town, but finds out the virus mutates with energy. So they end up waiting as it

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