
Mexican War Research Paper

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How would you feel if you were invited into another country to become a slave. How would you feel if you had to produce crops and create a country that didn't even have the same beliefs as you? Did you know that in 1821 Americans were invited by Mexicans to farm and make money. Did you also know that Mexicans anti-slaved Americans that weren't even catholic. Yes, the United States was justified in going to war with Mexico because Mexico invited America into Mexico to make them slaves, to make them farmers, and make their country wealthier. America was justified in going to war with Mexico because Mexico invited Americans into Mexico to make them slaves. Americans were invited by Mexicans into their country to farm and make money. In the passage it said, “ Mexican leaders were aware of their near emptiness of their northern lands. One way to increase population was to welcome settlers from the United states. A special effort was made to encourage American farmers to settle in the Mexican province of Texas.” This shows that since Mexicans had just recently gotten their independence and …show more content…

For example, Mexicans brought American farmers over to their territory to become farmers. In the text, it said, “ A special effort was made to encourage American farmers to settle in the Mexican province of Texas.” This evidence states that Mexicans needed people to come over to their land and produce crops for them. The mexicans, persuaded them to come and settle into their province so that the Mexicans could have someone to harvest any crops for the Mexicans who needed them. Americans came over to the Mexican territory to become slaves. To conclude, Mexicans did anything that was in their hands to get someone to harvest crops. They thought that getting American farmers to settle into their province would be a good advantage for their production of

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