
Metropolitan Community Church Essay

Decent Essays

The Metropolitan Community Church located in New York area is founded in 1971. At a first glance, with the limited sight I have, I thought the outside seemed to look like a nursery school with different colors and a flag hanging by the door. However, once someone pay more attention, the building was actually painted with Christian symbols using rainbow color paints, symbolizing gay pride. As soon as you entered the door, on your left was a narrow wooden stairway. On the first level, on the right was an entrance, where they conduct the ceremony. By the door, there were ushers waiting and greeting everyone with a smile, shacking everyone's hands and handing out the program for the month of November until the first week of December. The room …show more content…

Soon after, we all started greeting and sending peace to each other by hand shakes and hugs. Every seemed to know everyone because some people gave more than just hugs and hand shakes but they they also gave kisses on the cheeks. They gave a good amount of time to walk around to ensure that they didn't miss anyone. It was nice, comforting and very welcoming gestures. During the mass, the music was incredible. The live band sang with their original compositions and some revival songs. It was very entertaining mostly, some people were singing and dancing along with the band. Compare to a Catholic mass, the ceremony at the MCC church was mostly based on bible readings. At each gospel, Rev. Pat Bumgardner read each verse in Spanish while another reverend translated it in English. Something like that may confuse a first time comer because it wasn't indicated on the program that there was something like that. However, despite of that small confusion, at the front of the room a group of people lined up on a semi-circle, waiting for each member to receive the bread and wine. In addition, each member also received some spiritual words of wisdoms, encouragement and guidance. The feeling was unexplainable. Every word went straight to my heart, and it made me feel like all my troubles were lifted off of my shoulders. Something like that was very unique to experience in this

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