“Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that happen in living organisms to maintain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments” (Metabolism). Metabolism breaks down the food that we eat, transforming it into energy for our bodies. Metabolism is broken down into two categories Anabolism and Catabolism, which help aid in the chemical reaction process. Specific proteins in the body control the chemical reactions of metabolism, and each chemical reaction is coordinated with other body functions (Dowshen). Metabolism is a constant process that begins when we're born and ends when we die. It is a vital process for all life not just humans, and
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Many of these hormones are natural and are completely necessary for proper functioning of the metabolic systems. Others, however, are administered artificially to stimulate growth or to increase strength and energy, legally or illegally. Anabolic steroids, for example, are used therapeutically to treat a variety of different conditions, such as delayed puberty. They increase muscle growth and are closely related to testosterone, so they stimulate many other masculine features such as voice depth and hair growth. Some anabolic hormones include • “Growth hormone - a hormone made in the pituitary gland. Growth hormone stimulates the release of the hormone somatomedin by the liver, causing growth. • IGF1 and other insulin-like growth factors - hormones that simulate the production of protein and sulfate. IGF I and II are involved in the growth of the uterus and placenta, as well as the early growth of the fetus during pregnancy. • Insulin - a hormone made by the beta cells in the pancreas. It regulates the level of sugar glucose in the blood. Cells cannot utilize glucose without insulin. • Testosterone - a male hormone produced mainly in the testes. Testosterone causes the development of male sex characteristics, such as a deep voice and a beard. It also strengthens muscles and bone mass. •
• Enzymes are involved in processes such as the breakdown of carbohydrates and converts them into energy for the body to use.
Metabolism is a chemical process that converts fuel from food into energy needed for the body’s activities. For example, thinking, running and jumping etc. are all an example of the bodies activities.
b) Janine made this statement: “… if your brain doesn’t get carbs—well, glucose, anyway—you get
Anabolic-androgenic steroids are a group of hormones, which includes the natural male hormone, testosterone, and a number of synthetic compounds. "Anabolic" refers to muscle building, while "androgenic" refers to increased masculine characteristics. Anabolic effects are basically muscle growth. Androgenic effects produce secondary male sex characteristics like facial hair, body hair, deepening of the voice, and so on. In the 1950's scientists were trying to isolate the muscle building properties without the masculinizing effects. This lead to the development of synthetic anabolic steroids.
Steroids are used to induce puberty or to help those suffering from certain diseases, like AIDS or cancer. But in this case they are called anabolic-androgenic steroids, another type s steroidal supplements. When steroids get into your body they can cause serious effects on the body.
Testosterone is a hormone in both men and women, but in greater extent in the men, testosterone is a chemical compound (C19H28O2) and is responsible for the characteristic of men such as, sexual characteristics/sexual organs, deepening of the voice, and facial and body hair. (Neil Schlager, Jayne Weisblatt, and David E. Newton 2006) Testosterone/Steroids has bodybuilding and masculinizing effect as well as treating a variety of medical conditions, like asthma, the steroid is used in a puffer, they can be used for anabolic or androgenic purposes and made for synthetic purposes making them illegal. (BROWER, K. J. 2001) Many athletes will use these to gain an advantage on competitors, with lean muscle and higher endurance, with many uses, there
a family of hormones that include the natural male hormone testosterone… These hormones have anabolic (“muscle building”) and androgenic (“masculinizing”) effects, resulting in increased muscle strength and athletic performance, at times beyond what could be attained naturally (7).
When testosterone levels are high, you are able to grow muscle tissue at a faster pace.
In this paper, I will be discussing metabolism and the major role it plays in the human body. A general definition of metabolism would be all the chemical reactions that take place in an organism. Humans metabolize sugars and lipids differently. Lipids are fats and the enzyme lipase can break through the fat bonds once it enters the small intestine. The liver produces bile which binds to broken fat pieces so they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Carbohydrates and sugars start their breakdown as soon as they enter the mouth, where amylase in the saliva, starts the breakdown process. It continues to break down in the stomach and is completed in the small intestines. Sugars, however, continue to breakdown until they are tiny monosaccharides
These are lipids (fat-soluble chemicals) produced naturally by the human body. Some of these steroids include the male hormone testosterone (an androgen) and the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Testosterone is responsible for many of the physical changes that occur to males during adolescence, such as deepening of the voice and increase in muscle mass. Even after adolescence, testosterone continues to influence a variety of male sexual and emotional processes.
Growth hormone, also called human growth hormone, is a naturally occurring substance that is made by your pituitary gland and then released into the bloodstream. The pituitary gland is a small organ that is located in the center of your brain and makes hormones. Growth hormone is essential for normal growth and development in children. Growth hormone also helps regulate metabolism in both children and adults.
HGH, a polypeptide made up of 191 amino acids, is naturally produced commonly every night when you are asleep. It is created by a kidney-bean-size gland at the base of your brain called the pituitary gland. Human growth hormone circulates throughout your bloodstream and attaches to specific cell-surface receptors throughout the body, including the brain. Those receptors are dense in the parts responsible for learning and memory. Human growth hormone plays a major role in maintaining the health of all human tissue, including other vital organs besides the brain. It is proven to bind to fat cells, causing them to release part of their load, and stimulate the liver to create a powerful hormone called IGF-1 which helps the growth of muscle, cartilage, and bone.
Testosterone is a hormone required for male development and sexual function. It is also responsible for building muscle mass, sperm production, and sex drive. Testosterone also influences male pattern fat distribution, bone density, and red blood cell production. The normal developing male peaks at his testosterone level during early adulthood. Once he has reached the age of 30, testosterone decease at approximately 1% per year.
Metabolism is defined the sum of all chemical reactions which occurs and are involved in sustaining life of a cell, and thus an organism. Metabolism is of the following two types: catabolism and anabolism. In catabolism, molecules break down producing energy
When men take steroid hormones such as testosterone to boost their performance, it can shrivel their testicles and make their breasts grow. For women, it can give a deeper voice, clitoris enlargement, hair loss, and facial hair growth.