
Testosterone And Steroids

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Testosterone is a hormone in both men and women, but in greater extent in the men, testosterone is a chemical compound (C19H28O2) and is responsible for the characteristic of men such as, sexual characteristics/sexual organs, deepening of the voice, and facial and body hair. (Neil Schlager, Jayne Weisblatt, and David E. Newton 2006) Testosterone/Steroids has bodybuilding and masculinizing effect as well as treating a variety of medical conditions, like asthma, the steroid is used in a puffer, they can be used for anabolic or androgenic purposes and made for synthetic purposes making them illegal. (BROWER, K. J. 2001) Many athletes will use these to gain an advantage on competitors, with lean muscle and higher endurance, with many uses, there …show more content…

I believe that these drugs are safe when used in moderation and should be allowed to use by athletes if they choose, as if you allow Safe doping, then it will let the athletes have an advantage in their game plus they have a choice, when used for health purposes it's safe as well as moderately using them for working out and athletics to help recovery time, injury recovery and endurance. Yet these two types of steroids can be very addictive and most steroids prescribed are abused because of the addictive nature of them, when abused or taken over long periods of time, causing many irregularities in the body and diseases that may end up fatal as well as aggressive acts that can lead to crime, like robberies, assaults and damaging property. These acts are usually called “Roid Rage”. (Stacey L. Blachford and Kristine Krapp 2003) Steroids have healthy and unhealthy impacts, Healthy outweighs the unhealthy …show more content…

Anabolic pose a ton of risk while associating with them as they are addictive and can pose health risks with abuse leading people to believe that they are bad and should be banned across all sports and taking them off doctors prescriptions, numerous risks involve shrinking of the testicals, heart conditions, strokes, blood clots and other physical defects.Leading to bad physical proportion and one example is men growing breasts and as said before shrinking of testicals leading to a lower sex drive, infertility testicular cancer and as serious as death. These are all risks associated with abuse of anabolic steroids where Corticosteroids risks are likely Bone density, ulcers, osteoporosis and numerous types of infections. (William A. Darity, Jr 2008, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner K. Lee Lerner 2012, Elizabeth Magill 2011, Barbra C. 2007, Stacey L. Blachford and Kristine Krapp,

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