I will set up a plan to talk to each of my professor at least three times during the semester. I think talk to the professor could make me more confident in the class, and point out my weak point and guide me on the right track of studying. The earlier I know where my problem is, the more time I can spend on improving. It’s more effective than figure things out by myself. I think talking to the professor will also give me motivation to get good grades on the class. Knowing there is a connection between the professor and me, and knowing the professor have expectation on me will motivate me to work hard. I will also meet a tutor when I need help on understanding the class material, other than wasting time thinking if my question worth asking …show more content…
In this semester, I experienced unexpected physical pains near the end of the semester. I learned that I should plan for the worst situation, then even if I have a serious medical condition, it will not impact my grades so greatly. ========= My current intended major is University Study. Because my advisor is currently on maternity leave, and the other advisor who took over my assigned advisor’s work is on vacation. I have talked to an on-call advisor on May 12 to get my questions about applying University Study major and reinstatement answered. I will schedule some appointments with my advisor in the summer, and also talk to Janet Claus, the person whose is an advisor for University Study major. I am going to complete my plan of study for my University Study major in the summer, and apply the major for 2017 fall semester. The requirement of University Study is has a GPA of 2.0 or higher. I will be taking summer classes to raise my GPA to 2.0 before the fall semester. I have applied the Summer Bounce Back program, and I hope that I can get admitted into the program. …show more content…
I found the program is a lot more helpful than Project Success. In Project Rebound, I feel more connected and supported. I have talk to my Project Rebound faculty two times, and she is very helpful, understanding, and supportive. We also have bi-weekly meeting, which I found is somewhat helpful. For me, the bi-weekly sessions are more helpful mentally than academically. Some of the material present in the sessions are helpful, and I feel more involved than before. I attended almost all of the sessions, except I missed two sessions because I was sick. The program required schedule a 1:1 meeting with the faculty, and I talked to my faulty two
Attend the entire class; If you need to leave early, be polite and tell the instructor ahead of time and try to leave at the break to minimize disruption and you should review the audio tape of the class or try to attend the second half of another section’s class to avoid missing important information.
In school students should be aloud to have their phone, iPods , iPads, tablets, etc. Why aren't they aloud? It's a rule because it prevents people from being distracted, But what about the people that don't get distracted and understand not to use their phones for inappropriate reasons? These are our reasons why we think phones should be allowed for school use.
While I’m in class, I will make sure that I listen to what my instructors are saying and how they say to do something. It is also very important to take notes on what is being taught in the class, and whatever your teacher may right on the broad. In order to receive a passing grade and really pass the class I will have to complete all of my homework.
Puritan laws were extremely rigid and the members of society were expected to follow a strict moral code. Due to this fact, anything that was believed to go against this code was considered a sin. Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter looks into the life of a Puritan family. The mother with the name of Hester committed adultery with the minister named Dimmesdale and had a girl named Pearl. For their punishment they both must have a scarlet letter “A” either sewn into their clothes or into their body at all time. Hester’s real husband does not know the sin Hester committed until he returns from being held captive by Indians. Hester’s real husband Roger Chillingworth spends 7 years trying to get revenge on Hester and Dimmesdale. Throughout the novel both Hester and Dimmesdale go through the challenge of confessing to their sin. The moral consequences they have to face depends on the way they try to deal with their sins.
The issues I have decided to address are the lack of formal in group mentors and mentorship opportunities available for female students, faculty, and staff of color. The University has been intentional about recruiting students, faculty and staff of color. Despite these efforts our women of color who work as faculty or staff are the few available mentors available for students. Unfortunately, they are burdened with few professional growth opportunities while juggling work, mentorship requests, as well as providing the minority voice on committees throughout the campus. Subsequently, these women do not have in group mentors to support their growth. While some research shows, professionals who have been mentored are more likely to engage in mentoring, this does not seem hold true for women in general, it is especially untrue for women of color (Wright and Wright 1987). Increased professional expectations, distress and demands are likely the reasons for this difference. With all this, it is clear that women of color are at a significant disadvantage for finding mentors on this campus, and in most male dominated fields.
The goal of the Pre-Health and Science Peer Mentors Program is to help first year African-American students with pre-health interests engage fully in the Washington University experience. As one of nine mentors, I was assigned multiple students and tasked with helping them maneuver through the myriad of challenges associated with entering Washington University. Even as the mentor, I found this experience valuable as it allowed me to reflect upon my past challenges and translate these experiences into advice while developing a community amongst other pre-medical minority students. I attended training meetings, and met with my mentees multiple times during the
I work on a part-time basis and my tasks include sending the project briefs to business advisers at the beginning of the month and collecting their work at the end of the month. I received training on business mentoring, which is a way of supporting employees or colleagues related to coaching, during previous work, and in this role I communicate with an interdisciplinary team to coordinate the creation and distribution of project briefs across projects. I keep minutes at meetings and I draft letters and reports that are further passed on to advisers for finalisation. I provide clear instructions in the project briefs to each adviser, and in doing this I check the policies and internal guidance for the tasks to be done. For example, when an
I plan to attend the University of Florida, and major in Biomedical Engineering. In eighth grade, I decided that in order to get a head start I would do dual enrollment in high school. I took my first two official college courses my sophomore year of high school. Through Florida Southwestern State College, I was able to enroll in French I and II, along with Psychology and Human Growth and Development. My junior year, I decided to be a full-time dual-enrolled student at Florida Gulf Coast University. I plan to earn my AA in May of 2018. I hope that by earning my AA in high school, I will be able to reduce both cost and time in achieving my degree. If possible, I plan to enroll in the summer term at the University of Florida as one of the
A classmate recently characterized the first semester at F&M as a roller coaster ride. During the first week including orientation, every incoming student is excited to start class and tries to make friends in this new setting. Then classes start and all of a sudden everything starts moving at a rapid pace as a roller coaster. Some students adapt to this change quickly while others get overwhelmed and start looking for help. I was lucky enough to be one of the students who adapted quickly, and I consider my MA played a significant role in acclimatizing me to F&M. I believe I can be a great mentor to my peers especially in academic matters that are missing from orientation. During my orientation, faculty and HAs talked about alcohol consumption,
I have not yet worked in a school setting, but I have worked in several agencies and offices where collaboration with colleagues was present. One agency I have worked in was a domestic violence shelter, which housed up to forty-five women and children. In addition, we ran a twenty-four hour crisis hotline, provided individual and group counseling services, and educated those out in the community about domestic violence. It took a lot of collaboration with colleagues to have the agency run smoothly and effectively. When issues arose with clients staying in the shelter, my colleagues and I would met to discuss the issues and how we were going to work together to solve them. Together we were able to discuss all of these factors and agree upon
Throughout this week’s team discussion session the group identified three resources needed for collaborative consultation to be effective in a school setting. Our team discussed how mentoring and training is needed to develop and improve teaching practices. Mentoring and professional development can be arranged by administration to assist both novice and seasoned teachers. Another skill identified by our group was the need for teachers to develop efficient organizational systems, in order to maximize the use of your time. For example, a group member discussed the importance of collecting and organizing your students’ IEP goals, benchmarks, and data in preparation for meetings. This skill may be developed with the help of asking other teachers
While the possibility of being unsuccessful in my attempt crossed my mind, I hadn’t foreseen the academic consequences. Because I entered the hospital on finals week I failed all of my finals and subsequently all of my class. Furthermore; due to a mistake by the dean of students, who was assisting me, instead of adjusting my grades to incompletes like he agreed to do, my grades went through as fails. This resulted two things. First I lost my financial aid eligibility, and secondly because of being failed instead of
The aim of this essay is to discuss on how the reflection on mentorship will be undertaken, how and why the model of reflection will be used and the importance of confidentiality. I will reflect the mentorship by ensuring that the mentee during clinical practice is put at ease throughout the learning experience of four weeks (Quinn, and Hughes 2007, p. 29). Also, I will use the principle of Kolb’s learning cycle as my model of reflection because reflecting is an essential element of learning. As I am the mentor, I will follow this cycle in a clockwise direction with Jude, so she would have to reflect on the skills learnt by reviewing the whole situation (Kolb’s learning cycle 1984 in Rose and Best 2005, p.129). This would enable Jude to
As part of my introduction, I would like to mention that my research project is about mentoring where I have chosen ‘questioning’ as my strategy. In this report, I will discuss in detail about my ‘Mentoring through Questioning’, which is a key for my research project report. Here, I will cover the project’s context in which it was set, my aims and focus of the project, my justification on why I have chosen mentoring through questioning and the types of questions being used during this project, in support of the relevant literature. And then eventually, I will mention about the interactive sessions between a mentor and mentee, the reflection or the perspectives, specifying the self-analysis as well as the required feedback from mentee as part of the research strategy. Later, I will conclude this report by mentioning about the effectiveness of mentoring sessions and the future actions planned for my skills development.
“Genetic engineering is, at best, a debatable branch of science. For some, it is the wave of the future: a method for perfecting the human genome, discarding flaws from infants before they are born and ensuring they live longer, healthier lives. For others, it is an abomination: a method of circumventing what nature gave you, and wholly unnatural. Which one is right?” (Bird). Naturally, genetics is the scientific study of inherited variations in the DNA strand. This topic sparked curiosity among numerous scientific individuals that they begun a research project on it titled the Human Genome Project. To illustrate, the Human Genome Project worked out the sequence of the three billion chemical ‘letters’ of the human genome, and it produced