
Mental Illness Or Misbehaved

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Mental Illness or Misbehaved Mental illnesses are used as excuses for bad behavior in children by parents who have not done enough research about their child’s disorder. Seven percent of children between the ages of three and seventeen are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder in the United States (Neef). Many parents with children who have this mental disorder take the route of giving them prescribed pills every morning in order to fix their behavior. But, how many parents choose to take different approaches to help their child instead of giving them drugs? Many parents would argue that their child would behave badly if not given their daily dose, but according to psychologists and some doctors, Attention Deficit Disorder can be controlled …show more content…

Michael L. Goldstein a child neurologist states, “As with most disorders for which multiple medications are available, there are no definitive comparison studies to show which ones work best in specific circumstances” (Goldstein). Children’s Attention Deficit Disorders will vary in severity of symptoms and will require different treatment approaches based on severity. A positive approach to relieving attention disorders in multiple severities is animal therapy. Animals provide curiosity and longer attention spans by getting the child to think for a long period of time because it is something unknown to them. Curiosity and uncertainty are key concepts for children to exercise parts of their brains that capture and hold attention span. (Lundberg 200) A trip to the zoo combined with positive attention from adults will benefit a child’s attention span just as well amphetamine-based medications (Pros and Cons of ADHD Medication). For children suffering with ADD, exercise is a treatment that is affordable and effective. Betsy Hoza, a professor of psychological science at the University of Vermont, explains how exercising can be beneficial to a child with …show more content…

A simple game of eight base and freeze tag will stimulate the brain and require no spending. Parents who are in a tight economic situation may opt for this approach over prescribed drugs because of cost. Exercise keeps children’s minds alert unlike some medications. Parents should test out different methods before giving their kids medications that may cause side effects such as drowsiness and nausea. Parents play a big part in the success children will have in the progress of their attention disorder. With help, children may be able to retain and improve their attention spans. Providing a healthy diet for their child alongside other treatments may be beneficial depending on severity. According to a study done in two-thousand and one, behavior in children improved with a controlled

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