Running head: CASE STUDY LS Mental Health Case Study LS Nicole Castro College of Southern Nevada Division of Nursing Mental Health Nursing Clinical NURS 243C-S10 Micki Lin Mongogna-Alarcon, MA, BSN, RN October 18, 2010 Mental Health Case Study DM Demographic Data: LS is a 44 year-old female of African and Hispanic decent. She was born in California but moved to Las Vegas as a teenager. She stated that she attended Clark High School and went to a “stewardess college” in California. She worked as a stewardess for 4 years and quit in 1986. Her father was African-American and her mother is Hispanic. She has 4 brothers and 2 sisters. She is married and lives with her husband and his son in their private home. She …show more content…
Upon saying this, she appeared to become more anxious due to the fact that she did not know when she could come home. The interview was ended when it was time for the group to go to their activities and she stated that she wanted to talk to us more about her life later. Student Nurse’s Response to Client The student nurse felt comfortable upon first meeting the client. The client seemed to be friendly and did not show signs of anxiety or hostility towards the students. The student nurse had a difficult time trying to ask the appropriate questions at times given the client’s situation and past experiences. When LS began speaking about her spirituality, the student nurse was able to put her own feelings aside about spirituality in order to keep the student nurse-client relationship professional. By the end of the conversation, the student nurse was empathetic towards the client but was able to terminate the interview in an appropriate and professional manner. Sensorium and Intelligence: Level of Consciousness LS was alert and oriented to person, place, time, and situation. The client responded to her name when we first greeted her. When the client was asked if she knew who the current president was, she replied, “President Obama”, which shows she is oriented to time. When the client was asked if she knew where she was and the situation that led her to being there, she replied “Southern Nevada
Millie had expressed concerns of joint pain, financial difficulties and being incontinence that plays upon her having a negative body image. These concerns placed a toll on her health and this require immediate
D-The patient requested to see this writer, at which this writer agreed. The patient appears worrisome. The patient asked for assistance by this writer to help fill out an application for the probate court to file a custody petition for her grandson. This writer asked the patient if she had asked her DCF worker for help and the patient response was yes. The patient inform this writer that her DCF worker does not help her with anything or even have the answers to her questions regarding to her grandson care. This writer agreed to help the patient as much as possible and struggling urges the patient to have someone at the Probate Court to view the application to file a petition. The patient asked questions to this writer about receving financial assistance for her grandson since the patient needs help with the child basic needs. The patient been using her benefits from the state to care the child and is only
Team Recommendations: Joshua should continue in the program and continue working on sustaining his commitment towards the treatment goals and objectives established.
She was found to be on her back in a semi – fowler’s position at 35°. She has full bilateral chest expansion on ventilator assisted breaths. Her ventilator settings were SIMV – PRVC, set rate of 18, tidal volume of 320, PEEP of +6, pressure support of +10, and FiO2 of 60%. Upon auscultation bilateral rhonchi was heard throughout all anterior lobes; bilateral chest tubes are in place. HEENT showed bloody secretions coming from the mouth. Lower extremities showed increased pitting edema with no signs of deep vein thrombosis in the
The report of the grand jury in Dade County, Florida had several recommendations for dealing with the mentally ill who find themselves incarcerated. What this jury concluded was that far too much tax dollars is being spent on trying to temporarily control the issues associated with the mentally ill and too much focus is on reacting to crisis care. This panel of jurors believes that shifting the focus to long-term care would not only save costs, but also prevent the predicament we face by incarcerating the mentally ill.
A review of the records reveals the member to be an adult female with a birth date of 12/31/1952. The member has a diagnosis of increased weakness and decreased conditioning and a history of multiple falls over the past couple of months. The member’s treating provider, Marianne Nikas, MD has recommended that the member be admitted to a skilled inpatient facility from home.
This Case Study will be undertaken as a group activity and is designed to deepen your knowledge about mental illnesses, and to test your understanding about the nursing care of people suffering from such conditions. It will also assist you to express your ideas through class presentation and in writing.
On 12/27/16 I was faxed 26 pages of the initial evaluations and treatment plans, from the Lighthouse, speech, physically therapy and counseling all provided reports.
Mrs. Burke is a 62-year-old female here today to follow up from her visit with Katy Lilly, MD where she was discussing lower extremity swelling.
Monica is forty-eight years old white female who has experienced mental health concern for the last eight years. Monica also reported that she had nine years sober at the onset of her diagnosis of Bipolar disorder and had a professional job as a legal secretary. Monica report being in a committed relationship with her partner of three years. Monica report being bisexual and had been married and had been divorced from husband about seven years. Monica said she was going through a lot of change and highly stressed, with her family about her lifestyle and them being not accepting of her choices.
Nearly half of Americans facing mental health conditions go without essential support and services – while many others only get minimal care. I urge you to take and stand and vote “yes” to S. 2860, the Mental Health Reform Act of 2016.
The National Committee for Mental Hygiene (NCMH) expanded the research into mental hospitals and their treatment of patients. Before the organization started most diagnosis of patients was attributed to genetics. Moreover, they furthered the studies to look into environmental causes, early detection and more training for social workers. They learned that being poor did not cause mental problems due to the men coming home from World War I. Currently, the organization is called Mental Health America.
According to a BBC news article in May, 2014 two girls, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, both twelve at the time conspired to kill there 12 year old classmate at a birthday sleepover. They invited each other over and was planning on committing the act that night but waited until the following morning at a nearby park. Where the girl was stabbed 19 times by both of her friends. The girl luckily survived and was found crawling on the ground by a bicyclist. Both girls are being tried as adults for the attempted murder and planning involved in the attack. Their motive was to please a fictional horror story character known as slender man. He appears in a fictional online game where you are being chased and have to find the landmark notes. The girls
Q. What are changes you would like to see in healthcare? In particular your facility.
I am a sitter for some of the mental patients that are admitted to the hospital. I sit with patients who suffer from alcohol and drug abuse which leads to the problems of schizoform or the symptoms of schizophrenia. The patients that I commonly sit with are the ones where their hallucinations and paranoia has being brought by the drug abuse. Sitting with these patients are every 15 minutes of monitoring their every move, from what utensils they eat with to their bathroom privileges. The onset stage is true, the patients are in the young adults who may already have this underlying condition or the alcohol or drug abuse triggers it.